Chapter 2

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Yandere POV:

I remember the way she was.

I remember the girl who was honest every time that peculiar question was asked.

It's painful to see how she became just another one of those liars...

It's so obvious that she's lying, why can't they just see it!??

The way her (e/c) orbs show fear and worry, the awkward angle of that forced smile, the hushed tone she speaks “I'm fine” with ...

Can't they see the mask she wears?! Can't they see all the cracks running across it's surface?

Can't they see my songbird...?

She was so different back then...
So cheerful, so friendly, so peaceful...

Wherever she went the whole room filled with light and warmth...

And now it's all gone...

There's no more warmth, no more brightness filling up the previously empty space.

... Why did they have to ruin it?

Now it's too dark to see here.

I'm scared that the darkness will trap me inside.

give her back to me...

I'm ᶠrᵉeᶻinᵍ...

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