Chapter 4

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Sophies POV:

        "Noooo not spin the bottle!" I whined at Biana as Tam went to get an empty bottle of lush berry juice, "Anything but spin the bottle!" 

         "We're playing spin the bottle and that's final," Biana said, very stubbornly. When Tam came back, we all agreed that he should go first. He sat down, grumbling and spun the bottle on the crystal floor. It slowly spun to a stop on Linh. Tam didnt seem to mind since they were twins though. Linh went next. It spun and spun and spun before sliding to a stop  on Fitz. Linh was so luckey that it landed on her. She was smiling really wide as she walked into the middle. Fitz, on the other hand, didnt look excited at all. Linh clearly wanted their kiss to be sweet, but Fitz pulled away quickly. Now it was his turn. My foolish heart was fluttering all over the place as it spun and landed on... Keefe! Fitz and Keefe both starting laughing. When everyone finally calmed down, and fitz gave keefe a peck on the cheek, Keefe started singing, "Marry me Juliet youll never have tooooo beeee aloonee!" And everyone started laughing again. I couldn't help but wonder who Fitz likes. If not Linh, then it  would have to be someon- 

         "Foster? Earth to Foster! It landed on you,"  Keefe waved a hand by my face. "W-what? Oh, sorry I zoned out," I said to Keefe. He kissed me, but I was reluctant to kiss back. When I pulled away, I saw Fitz scowling at Keefe. I don't know why though. I spun the bottle, but it ended up on me, so I did it again until it stopped on.. Fitz! I slowly went over to him and decided to transmit.

Are you okay with this? Its not like I don't want to kiss you but-

Of course. Like I said earlier, I like you a lot.

Okay, I guess this is happening.

"UHMM real words please!" Keefe screamed in my ear, "We're all waiting." So, we leaned in and it felt like the whole world stopped when our lips touched. I could'nt belive this was actually happening. When we pulled apart, Biana was looking like a kid in a candy store, but Keefe and Linh didnt seem happy.

Sleepover- A Sophitz StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant