Chapter 2

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"We gotta leave this place sometime..." Damon said to me.

"Yeah..." I responded. I never really liked it here, it was a bad neighborhood... My parents never really cared or noticed how bad it was. I've been threatened too many times to count. Hell, I've even been beaten. But my parents never found out. Damon helped me with that and no one found out. That only happened once.

"So when do we leave?" Damon asked with a smirk.

"We can't, Damon. We're in out senior year. We're so close. We can't do that now." I told him being reasonable.

"We just started our senior year. We can leave if we wanted." I squeezed his hand and gave him a sympathetic look.

"We can't."

"Do you think our parents would have a damn? Do you? They treat us like shit and we let them... I can't stand to see you be hurt anymore." I love him but he's crazy.

"I'm sorry Damon." I told him. "We can't."


I remembered this perfectly. He had been telling me we'd leave forever. Now we were doing it. Wow time flies. This reoccurring memory was only last week. It was the only time we was jumping to leave as high as he was that day. (Metaphorically).

I felt so bad about telling him no. He was ways so determine. We was probably the cockiest person in the world when I gave in.

I looked out the curtains that were put up. The sun was shining. We were in a truck stop.

"You're up..." I heard Damon's sleepy voice from fright next to me. He pulled me down and hugged me.

"Now you're sleepy." I said and kissed his nose.

"Yea" he said and hugged me tighter.

"Well now what do I do?" I asked and kissed cheek.

"You can drive, or cuddle with me..." He said and I crawled to the front of the van and turned it on. I began driving out of the Jackson's parking lot we were parked in. We were on close to the highway and I drove on to that.

After a while I got really hungry, so I drove into a Burger King because it was really close and Damon loved it.

"Damon.... Darling." I said waiting for a reply. When I didn't get anything but a groan, I crawled in the back.

"Damon..." I said shaking him gently, earning another groan. "Damonnnnnnn" I dragged on and shook him more.

"Five more minutes...." He told me.

"Okay, I'll just go to Burger King without you." I said and his eyes popped open at the speed of light.

"I'm up!!!" He said sitting up about as fast as he opened his eyes. I laughed and pointed out the back window.

"Burger King, get ready."

He ran his hands through his blue hair and tried to fix it like that.

"You're so stupid." I said and fixed his hair, it stood up in every direction possible even as I tried to fix it for him, "You're hair is hopeless," I said and grabbed a comb out of my purse that was shoved in the corner. I tried to comb it out and it worked better, it was still messy, but kind like the purposely-I-Want-my-hair-to-look-like-this messy.

"Okay, that's as good as we're gonna get it right now." I said.

"What about your hair?" he asked and ran his fingers through my blue, unkempt hair, his finders getting caught in a few knots. I pulled out a brush and went to brush my hair before he took it out of my hand and began brushing my hair for me. I crossed my arms and started pouting.

"Don't be such a baby." he said.

"I can do it myself!"

"I'm aware of that."

"Then why can't I brush my own hair?"

"Because you got to brush my hair."

"Ughhhhhhhhh fineeeee." I said and just let him brush my hair.

When he was done, which too about 2 more minutes, I put on my Toms and he slipped on his converse.

"I hope you know your bangs look horrible."

"I'm perfectly aware of that." I replied to my boyfriend.

"Just though you should know."

"Okay." We walked into the doors and the place was so dead. There were two people sitting at tables and one person ordering. We walked onto the line and Damon grabbed my hand, like he always does.

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