Chapter 3

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"Damon..." I whispered.

"What darling?" he asked me, worry in his voice.

"They're.... They're here...." I said, 'they' referring to the people who beat me up.

"Don't worry, they wont hurt you, I promise..." Damon told me and grabbed my hand. We, then walked inside and one of the girls who hated me gave me an evil eye... Damon noticed this and squeezed my hand lightly, he didn't let go. Some of the people in their 'group' started whispering to each other. One girl even pointed to us... Damon pretended not to care as we continued along in the medium sized line of around 6 people by now. Considering it was late, the restaurant was about to close. We decided to get our food to go. When we were leaving, Damon had stopped holding my hand, but I was okay. 

To my not-so-much surprise, they followed me and Damon out to the parking lot, the sun was set, it was about 9:45 pm. 

"shit" I mentally cursed. I was scared of them and did everything I possible could to avoid them. But I don't think I can escape their grasp that easily this time. We didn't speak, we didn't even glance at each other. We just walked to the van without saying anything or making a sound. We were about to get in the van when Annie, a fucking freshman, pushed me onto the van, causing me to drop my food and she popped my back, which hurt like hell. Also, I think she bruised my arm. 

"What the hell?!" I heard Damon yell from behind me, then I heard laughing from the group of 6 people who completely despised my existence. I know this because they were fond of Damon before we started dating. 

"Why did you do that?!" Damon said, defending me still. I was facing them, standing up, abandoning the bag of food that had been dropped. 

"Because we don't like her," Annie stated followed by many agreements from everyone in the group. 

"So that gives you the reason to physically harm her?!" Damon said, pissed off. 

"Maybe we want to!" Said a guy voice from the back of the group. 

"Hey! Kids! We're closing!" Yelled, probably the manager of Burger King. 

"Come on guys, it's past curfew anyways..." Trailed Annie and they all got into one of the guy's truck. Some in it and some in the back of it. Even though that's illegal, Annie's dad is the sheriff. They can basically get away with murder. 


I replayed the reason he always held my hand in public in my mind up 'til we reached the front of the line.

"Hello, what would you like today?" said the cashier, whom I noticed had violet eyes as well. 

"Hello!" Damon replied smiling, "I'll have a number 2 without the onions, please, I am allergic. As for her, she'd like a kids meal. Chicken nuggets and a large milkshake."

"Thank you, sir, what size would you like your drink and milkshake?"

"Both large, thank you."

"That'll be $15.25, sir" then Damon handed her the money, and she handed us our food numbery thing, and we walked away and he got his drink, cherry coke.

"I still can't believe you still order kids meals." Damon told me.

"I like kids meals! And the toys are fun! Or just sad, excruciatingly depressing."

"You could have been an author, I keep telling you to finish those stories you're always writing."

"I don't want to be an author, I keep telling you that."

"I know, but I like your stories."

"You're the only one."

"I can't be. 7 billion other people, someone else is bound to like them."

"If we make it to New York, I'll consider sending it in..." I told him.

"Finally." He said and squeezed my hand.

Then Damon pulled out his little MP3 out and played some Black Veil Brides until our number was called. He got up and brought the tray to our table.

We continued to listen to music until we were done eating our main courses and then we had our fries in my shake.

"Do you want ice cream?" he asked after we finished off my shake and he gave me the cherry as he tied the stem with his tongue.

"I'm all full." I complained.

"You never eat anythingggg," Damon explained, "I eat like 5 pounds of food a meal."

"And I eat like a pound a meal."


"Oh shut uppp." I told him and he laughed, which made me smile.

We walked back to the van and we just climbed into the back, locked the doors, and took off our shoes.

"Do you want me to play music?" Damon asked me.

"Yes please." I said and he played our playlist on shuffle, the first song to come one was The Last Night.

"Remember the story behind this?" Damon said as soon as the lyrics came on.

"Yeah...." I said looking at him, and the sudden saddening in my voice indicated that I didn't want to remember that right now.


So I think it's time for some notes author's notes.

So basically, I'm going to start off every chapter with stories behind they're little habits. Like how Damon always held Lexie's hand and next chapter will be a surprise!!!!

Song: Skillet - The Last Night

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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