The Last Day Of School

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Hi their you need help if your here if you want to leave because of my grammar then bye till then also my characters name is Tierra Riddle you don't have use this name it can just be Y/N just to clarify. That's your name let's get on with the story.

The last class I had to get through my last class before summer to start spending time with me and my rich girlfriends. Tierra is Rich as well she's also pure blood of course. My last class was potions sense we we're assigned to setting chart I got to class early. Of course I was getting to class early because I'm really smart as I always do. I got to class early to turn in my last assignment for the school year to Severus. Everyone wasn't really their yet just about five students. Everyone got to class in severus called attendance with his wand the magic. He would point to everyone in class counting he used a spell to use for the entire class dust appeared it was a number in dust form. it counted up to 20 students missing one. Snape looked around to everyone desk in new actually who wasn't their.

"Malfoy does anyone now we're is Malfoy" Snape said as soon as Snape said that everyone looked across the room to Malfoy
You know that look when you walk in the classroom and everyone looks at you Snape said. "We're have you been" in his voice Malfoy looked at Severus in said " why I wooked up late" he then went to his usually seat next to me. Malfoy said something to me another insult "Well if it isn't for eyes no today it's quiet smarty pants" he new that I hated being called.
That as I looked down onto my desk he leaned in in said to me " Aww is the baby going to cry" So then took my glasses everything seemed blurry I was trying to get them back from Draco I then realized their were over my head typical Draco
So I snatched them from him. In put them back on saying the only thing that came to my head. " Listen Draco I know that your never going to leave me alone that's fine but at least I'm not the dumb one here" he was furious in anger in his eyes.

1 hour later

After Snape class I was pretty much being tutored the whole time by Malfoy but I new the lesson so I didn't really pay attention. To class I ended up getting another 101% on my last assignment. Draco did he's normal thing poke me in touch my hair but he said something at the end of class " see you next year Riddle" as his voice spiked into me. Malfoy bumped into in the hall way I walked into the great hall when we're the antire school sat in listen to. Dumbledore speak about our amazing year we had well not so much me. I glanced up to Dumbledore when he was talking about the house points he said who was in last place Ravenclaw was then he called third place house hufflepuff I new that throw out this year I was giving everyone house points for slytherin for answering questions completely task by saving friend only slytherin of course. Dumbledore said "to the first place winners with 320 house points slytherin" Everyone cheered with joy.

A couple of hours later we headed to the boats then to the trains everyone grabbing their stuff in went in sat down in their carts. I saw pansy and Draco do into a booth in seat down pansy look so desperate as usal I said to may self god I hate that girl one day I will avda kadava her. I new this would be a long ride back so I popped my headphones in listening to my music Listening to Melanie Martinez wheels on the bus  I then listens to The principle then Detention to Lunchbox Friends
I listen to Play date after I went back to my favorite song wheels on the bus because everything in the song it was saying was tru on the train I looked out window I put a spell on the room so no. One could hear my voice I then heard the door open I still was looking out the window singing I looked at the person standing their it was Malfoy.

Great fucking Malfoy.

I looked at him in said oh sorry is this your booth he said no in looked me like he always did making faces saying
"Look the little girl can sing like a bird oh smarty p-" I didn't let him finish his sentence I grabbed his wrist in sat him in seat across from me. He looked at me I started sing a song about him saying how he was mean and rude in just a spoiled rich boy I took a thought in my head realizing quick that I'm just a spoiled rich girl but I didn't care I was tired him he slapped me looking at my face then left out. I said to myself that ASSHOLE yelling out everyone heard it but I just closed the door in listen to my song I made about him I made it on the train ride. Then I made more songs it was a supprise before I new it. I had a whole album.

I picked out a picture from my phone it was a picture of me sitting at my desk I remembered early that I edited it to look indie aesthetic. So I posted it in the album name was called Being Tierra Riddle. Remember when I said I posted it yeah everyone saw it that was on the train so basically the a tire school for some reason everyone gotten my Instagram I wasn't just bullied by Draco I was bullied by his antire group in Malfoy must have been looking on my phone in class that's why he was distracting me. It made sense in who ever didn't have my account their friends showed them out of nowhere my account was blowing up people were playing my music in their headphones. I saw cause I clanged over to see someone's phone from a different cart. I was immortal at that moment because I didn't want them to hear it. Suddenly they were saying that my voice was beautiful I heard one girl say " How awful how they treat her this boy should be ashamed" I smiled as I looked outside of my window singing wheels on the bus.

After 58 minutes almost an hour

I woke up to the stopping of the train I got my black suitcase in walked out of the train a group got off of the train in headed to me I realized it was Draco in his gang Blaise ,Pansy ,Grabbe ,Goyle ,Theo I felt that I was in trouble then as I turned my head I walked in I started to walk faster I heard called behind me "Tierra Tierra Riddle". I stopped in shook thinking of what they were going to do they came up to me in I looked down to the ground. Someone was talking I looked up in heard Malfoy speak he called me fowl names I never heard before. pure And Innocence virgin ears, I could feel my tears build up and the saltiness from my gums as my tongue licked the inside. Malfoy said "You little Bitch you fucking Slut" The pansy looked me with a snails on her face saying "that's what you get" I looked at the group I could kill them all in two words Avada kadava.
Everyone would've freaked out screaming so I keep my cool. I couldn't hold anymore I was about to cry the tears escaped my eyes Draco looked at me in said " The little baby's crying" laughing at me the entire group Draco bumped into me as they walked past going through the platform with their stuff. I just went through the platform as soon as they were done I saw my parents Bella and Riddle. No Riddle isn't a teenager in no he doesn't look like one also Bellatrix doesn't look like she does in the movie she looks less crusty in more like the other width moms like molly and narcissa also Riddle is not Voldemort looking he look like a normal wizard father like author and Lucius. They looked at me with a smile I had been wiped my tears away before I went through the platform back to the muggle world.

Next chapter will be here soon don't worry also I need for followers as possible I didn't make this for no reason at all so read this now my potterheads in none potterheads.

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