Chapter Four

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I shot out of bed, kicking the shadowy figure right across the... phone???

"Erin!" he complained as it flipped out of his hands.

"Dad," I groaned. "Seriously?"

"You kicked my phone!" he whined.

"You were recording me! While I was sleeping!" I pointed out, shoving a sweatshirt over my head and glancing at the clock. 5:30 a.m. "Why on earth are you up?"

"I'm covering Gary's shift today. But... I heard you talking. Sleep talking," he chuckled, picking up his phone. "It was funny."

I glowered. "And I suppose you were laughing like a maniac the whole time?"

"Uh, yeah!" he started laughing again.

I shivered. "Well, get out of my room now. I've got at least an hour left I could sleep," I grumped.

"Okay, munchkin," he sighed. I frowned at the pet name from my toddler years. He grinned and kissed me on the head. "See ya this evening. Love you."

"Love you too," I smiled, then climbed back in bed.

Thankfully, my hour left of sleep was highly uneventful. Until, of course, my alarm clock scared the crap out if me. Per usual.

From bed to shower, shower to mirror, and mirror to kitchen, I couldn't get the eerie laugh out if my head. I was cooking my eggs when my mom walked in, giggling at something on her phone. I spun around, wielding the spatula like a small sword. She didn't notice.

"Did you know your father was spying on you this morning?" She asked.

I heard a smack! and Dad's "Erin!" and I had to laugh as well.

"Yeah... I noticed."

Mom put her head on my shoulder. "Eggs?"

"Indeedy-do." I turned off the stove.

"You got practice later?"

"Mhm." I separated the eggs onto two plates and put the pan in the sink.

"Gotta snack?" she checked.

"I've gotta wallet and a car."

"Okay. But no pop before practice," she warned.

"Oh, don't worry," I laughed. "I am never doing that again."

I finished my eggs, tucked my plate in the washer, grabbed my bag and headed to the door.

"Have a good day, daughter!" Mom said. "I know I will. I've got nothin' to do, and nowhere to go!" She did a happy dance as I shut the door. I grinned and got in my car.

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