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"Please don't like her, please don't like her," I muttered under my breath as I watched them across the room. A random girl who was apparently in my grade, and my crush since seventh grade. Theo Phillips. He handed her a yearbook and she blushed. "Okay, so maybe he doesn't like her, but maybe...yep nope, she obviously likes him," I sighed when he didn't react. He looked down at the next yearbook, frowned, then started searching for its owner. After a moment, our eyes met. He grinned and started to walk my way.

"Hey Erin! I got you a present!" he joked.

I rolled my eyes and tried to stay casual. "Sure, you do!"

Before he handed to me, he pulled out a pen. "You mind if I sign it?" he asked.

I had to try hard not to blush now. "Sure." I smiled quietly to myself as he wrote, knowing it was more than just his name. He flashed me another quick grin before walking away. I stood at that table in the courtyard, gripping my yearbook, not yet daring to read the note, feeling happier than I had all year. Suddenly, complete and utter fear filled my chest.

Flames shot across my vision. Pain seared across my back like the sting of a whip. Blood dripped in front of my face. A scream echoed from an unknown name and place. Just as quickly as it came, it left. I stumbled back, dropping the yearbook.

"Are you okay?" My head shot up and I again met Theo's eyes. However, this time, no one was smiling.

At this point, I knew it would be bordering on stupidity to say yes, so instead, I just...threw up.

A/N: So, this is kind of a melodramatic and stereotypical beginning....and a short one....but hopefully it'll get better. If it doesn't...I'll just delete it cause that's what I do. Lol. Hope you like it.

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