Chapter One

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Jake's POV:

I woke up to the terrible realization that it was a Monday. As much as I love being at school with my friends, Mondays were typically tiring, boring, and just generally annoying. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night either. I was up until 2:00 a.m. thinking about the band competition, school, friendships and Daisy. 

Just the thought of Daisy made my head spin. Not only did the image of her tattooed in my brain make me daydream about her, but it also lead to other thoughts. Will I ever confess my feelings to her? What if she doesn't feel the same way about me? But most importantly: Will I quit the Music Club after the competition? 

Even though I didn't want to, I got out of bed and got ready for school. I ate breakfast quickly and bolted out the door. I ran down the sidewalk in hopes to get to school before Daisy. Eventually my thoughts wandered off, making me forget about the large pole in the middle of the sidewalk, and by the time I remembered, it was too late. BAM! I ran into something, but not the pole in the middle of the sidewalk. It was a backpack. Just when I thought the situation couldn't get any more awkward, Hailey turned around, Zander smirking at her side. 

On the inside I was panicking, until Hailey's confused face turned into an amused expression. With a hint of sarcasm in her voice, she asked, "Can I help you?". Trying to wrap my head around what just happened, I just stood there, unable to say anything. "Oh I see.", she added with a smirk that matched Zander's spreading across her face. "You're normally in a rush to be on time, but when it comes to band rehearsals, you don't care." Surprised but still at a loss for words, I spat out, "No I just- I was in a rush to talk to someone." Rolling her eyes, she just sighed and turned around. For the rest of the way I walked by Hailey's side in an awkward silence, trying to start up a new discussion, but every time I said something, I would either get ignored, or one of them would answer with a short response and say nothing else.

Finally, we got to Alabama High, which made me relieved that we could finally go our separate ways instead of walking in silence. I was also relieved that I could finally have the chance to talk to Daisy. I was just about to walk away from Hailey and Zander, when Hailey unexpectedly grabbed me by the sleeve. 

"Wait. Since we haven't got a lot of practice for the competition in lately, we're going to have some extra rehearsal time at me and Zander's house at 4:00. You'll be able to make it, right?", she said raising an eyebrow. "Uh, yeah. I can make it.", I replied before turning around and starting to walk away. But right when I started to walk off, I realized I couldn't, since Hailey was still holding on to my sleeve. Before I had the chance to turn around again, Hailey quickly dropped my sleeve in embarrassment, but I saw her cheeks turn a bright pink before she and Zander to the other direction and walked off. What was that supposed to mean?

I was excited that lunch had finally arrived after a long four hours of boredom. I was zoned out while listening to Drew brag about his new game system. "Hello? Earth to Jake.", Henry said bringing me back to reality. "What'cha thinking about? Your new music girlfriend?", Liam said in a teasing-like way, and for a second, I didn't realize he was being serious. "What? No! I was just- thinking." "Mhm. Thinking about what, exactly? Daisy, or your new crush?", Drew said while rolling his eyes. "What 'new crush'?", I said even though I already knew what they were going to say. "We already know you have a thing for Hailey.", Henry said narrowing his eyes. "No I don't.", I said in a disgusted way. If I'm being honest, I myself had recently been debating whether or not I liked Hailey. Sure she was kind, smart, pretty, and caring, but I'd just started getting to know her. I mean, how much did I really know about her? Snapping me out of my thoughts, Drew continued the conversation. "Anyways, are you coming or not?" I had no idea what he was talking about, so I simply said, "Coming where?" "To my house this afternoon. I wanted to show you a new controller my parents bought for me.", he replied, clearly annoyed I wasn't listening to them. "Oh, actually I was going to Hailey and Zander's house for extra rehearsal time. Speaking of rehearsals, I'm late again. I gotta go, bye guys!". I ran down the hall to the music room to find Hailey and Zander arguing about something unclear. "Hey guys.", I said trying to break the tension in the room. "Seven minutes late. New record. Come on, let's start.", Hailey said with a hint of annoyance.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hailey's POV

Other than Jake messing up a few times, practice went pretty well. Everything was normal, but something felt off. It didn't feel like anyone was acting different, everyone was being their normal self. But it felt like something bad was going to happen. 

At the end of practice, we started gathering up our stuff so we wouldn't be late for our next class. Out of nowhere, just as we were about to leave, a girl with brown hair and a light blue t-shirt with a long, gray skirt walked through the door. "Hi, is this the music club?", she asked in a shy voice. "Yes, it is. Do you need something?", I asked curiously. I had never seen that girl before, it was weird that she just showed up out of nowhere, and even weirder that she was looking for us. 

"Actually I was wondering if I could audition. I love playing guitar, and when I saw your poster, I thought I would stop by.", she answered, still looking nervous. "Oh. I guess one more member wouldn't hurt.", I said, ignoring Zander glaring at me. "I'm Hailey. This is Zander, Luke, Sean, Milly, and Jake.-", she cut me off before I could finish talking. "Wait! Jake?", she said with a smile creeping up her face. They ran up to each other and hugged, sending an unexpected wave of jealousy crashing through me. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author's Note:

This was my first time writing a fan fiction story, so I really hope you enjoyed it. I'll be posting a chapter every Saturday, hopefully more long and detailed. Since I'm new to writing stories like this, all comments are appreciated! I'll do my best to reply to them when I can. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions concerning the story. Since this is only the first chapter, and I'm not really sure how things are going to play out yet, I would love to hear some feedback and ideas from you guys! Stay safe and have a good day! 


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