Chapter Four: Part One

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Hailey's POV:

We finally got to the movies after a once again awkward walk. We stopped for a second to look around for Luke and Zander, and when I saw them, we started walking towards them. "Hey guys!", I said when we approached them. We talked for a few minutes, but Jake was oddly quiet for someone who couldn't stop talking.

"You okay?", I whispered before we walked into the theater. "Yeah.", he replied. To be honest, I don't think either of us were. It had been a long and tiring day, and it was just the beginning of the week. I had a feeling today was a preview of what the week was going to be like. And that bad feeling I had earlier? It was still there.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jake's POV:

The entire movie, I was thinking about Daisy. How did she even know Sean? I was really hoping there would still be a chance for me. Hopefully they were just friends. In the middle of the movie, I'm pretty sure Hailey fell asleep. I sat there in my thoughts, not really paying attention to the movie or my friends.

When the movie was finally over, we walked out of the theater and into the street. It was about 8:00, so we all went our separate ways. I had just gotten a shower and climbed into bed when I heard my phone chime. I looked at my notifications to see who texted me. Once again, it was Emma.

Emma: Hi! U busy?

Jake: Sorry, can't talk rn. bout to go to sleep. cya tomorrow!

Emma: K

I turned off my phone and closed my eyes. I heard my phone chime again, which was really annoying since I just turned it off. But my heart skipped a beat when I saw who it was this time...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author's Note:

Don't worry! I'm not going to leave you on a cliffhanger for a month! Part Two is coming out later today, but I need some extra brainstorming time to plan out the rest. Please give me some ideas! I am completely stuck right now. Talk to you later. 


P.S. I'll most likely start Part Two in a couple hours, so keep an eye out!

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