Headcanon/ Complaining

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Peter X Captain Marvel.

Ok in the comics it kinda makes sense since comic Peter is like 20 something. But MCU Peter is like 16/17. I've Seen some people point out that the Age of Consent in NY is 17. Just no. The age difference is weird. Rumor is Captain Marvel 2 is going to have Peter crushing on Carol, So hopefully they don't make it weird and just keep it pure and Simple Boyhood Crush thing. But knowing Hollywood it's possibly not going to happen like that.

Ok complaining over, Headcanon Time.

-Clint definitely keeps emergency food in the vents incase someone gets lost.

-The Avengers make sure Peter doesn't go on patrol without a bag lunch.

-Cap hates big government and has voted Libertarian in every election since he got back.

-The Avengers have dule citizenship in every country they save.

-Natasha had to be re nationalized after Shield Fell since they fudged the papers.

-Tony leaves cash at May and Peter's appartment when he visits but denies it's him when they bring it up.

-After Adopting Peter, Tony has Anonymously donated millions to Orphanages.

-Nick Fury set Thor up on a blind date with Captain Marvel when he was getting over Jane. It didn't go well.

-Natasha has murdered several Rapists who fell through the cracks of justice. The team knows but says nothing.

-Steve and Bucky are the face of a anti bullying campaign in Brooklyn.

-Cassie and Peter have a agreement that in the event one of them can't find a date for a dance or something like that they will go together.

-Wanda went on a blind date with Ned as a favor to Peter.

-MJ is best friends with Wanda.

- Pepper and Nat are used to Peter calling them mom they both respond without a second thought.

- Logan, Bucky, and Steve knew each other in the war.

- When Coulson revealed himself to the Avengers they spent a week catching up. 2 of those days was just explaining the dynamics of the Team Family.

-Peter, Wanda, Pietro, Shuri, and Natasha are Fluent in Klingon, and Elvish.

AN: I'll probably do more of this idk.

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