- Bubbles -

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We're both far gone. Our eyes hooded in satisfaction, our breaths out of time. The warmth in my mind stirs and falls away, clearing away hazy clouds.


Sugawara breaks our breathy silence. "Mind if we rinse off?"

I nod, untying my now messy bun. I still haven't quite caught my breath. Suga stands, tugging me up with him. I lean on his shoulder as we trudge over to the bathroom. I'm not sure if I can stand, let alone walk, on my own. He squeezes my hand gently.

By the time the water's running, shivers have begun to slither down my spine. We're wrapped under a single towel as we wait for the tub to fill up. Sugawara squeezed a generous serving of bubbles into the bath, claiming it would cleanse our minds as well as our bodies. I'd smiled, thanking him, but wondered why he'd decided to use half the bottle.

Once the bath is full, Sugawara steps in before me and settles in the sudsy water, gesturing me to follow. I step and sink into the water. The shivers immediately subside as warm bubbles soak into my chilled bones. I can't resist a happy sigh as I close my eyes.

"Lovely, isn't it?" Suga remarks softly. I begin to nod, before I'm splashed with soapy water. My eyes fly open, stinging. I glare at the culprit.

"Would be nicer if someone didn't interrupt my bliss." I grumble, folding my arms over my chest.

"Negativity, begone!" He splashes me again, smirking as I gape at him in surprise.

I huff. "You're such a child." Fighting off a smile of my own, I sink down in the water. The suds are at my chin now.

"You're an easy target." Sugawara's suddenly beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist. A startled gasp leaves my mouth as I'm tugged onto his lap. I start to squirm as his length presses into my backside, but he just tugs me closer.

"Sugar-" I stop squirming, looking up at him with wide eyes, "-your, uh..."

"Is Mr. Pleasant bothering you?" He teases, hugging me closer. His heartbeat races in my ear as I rest my head on his bare chest.

"...Maybe a little." I admit, blushing as his eyes swim with mischief. We are not having that in a bathtub, Suga. I have boundaries.

"Well, I'll have you know," I find his lips next to my head, warm breath ticking my ear, "I love it when you're all hot and bothered." He draws out his words at a rumbling whisper.

Warmth trickles down my spine as the sentence drips into my senses. I feel myself tighten and release before I gather my remaining strings of self-control, gently reminding my body that we already went two rounds.

I shiver against Sugawara's chest and choose not to reply.

"Too much?" He questions. Suga loosens his grip on my waist as a wave of concern washes over his tone.

"No, it's okay, really." I explain, tucking the warm coil in the back of my mind. "Just didn't know how to reply."

"Oh." He sounds relieved.

"While yes," I turn in his lap, now straddling his sides, "you've got the biggest-"

Sugawara shuts me up with a kiss. I melt into his lips, resting my arms over his shoulders in a loose hug. My heart flutters as his heartbeat patters in time with my own. I sink into a pool of fondness and warm memories. This feels like home.

We sit like that until the bubbles dissipate and the water grows cool. I blink and pull away, locking gazes with gentle hazel eyes. His lips are slightly parted. It's tempting to fall back in, to stay here a minute longer, but cool water has begun to set into my senses. I tug myself into reality and away from that place I call home.

"C'mon, the waters getting cold."

We dry off, each of us tugging on a clean set of clothes. I drain the bathwater. Sugawara presses a kiss to my forehead before leaving the bathroom, presumably to clean our bedsheets. I stay a little longer, putting on a line of mascara and rubbing strawberry scented lotion over my body.

I tug my clothes back on before leaving the bathroom, flipping the light switch off behind me. My hair, still wet, has been tugged into one wide braid. Sugawara has pulled away the bedsheets, leaving my bed bare and empty.

However, I take note of our clothes, still strewn on the floor. I wrinkle my nose distastefully, gathering it all up and tossing it into my laundry basket with a huff. While I was grateful that he'd taken care of the sheets, there was still some white paint on the discarded clothing. The temperature of the room is still akin to that of forty minutes ago. I wipe my forehead, pushing fiery recollections away from the forefront of my thoughts.

I leave my bedroom after glancing at the clock. It's half past one. My stomach grumbles as I grab my wallet from the kitchen counter. Sugawara sits at the dining table, watching a video on his phone. He doesn't notice me as a grin splits across his expression, cheers bursting from the speakers. I conclude that it's a clip from one of his past volleyball games.

"Can we grab a bite to eat and go to the park?" I ask, widening my gaze to the closest thing to puppy eyes I can muster.

He smiles, glancing up from the screen. Calm and collected, he slides his phone into his pocket, video beyond sight and mind. "Anything for you, love." Sugawara stands. "Just let me get my keys." 

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