- Sushi, pt. 2 -

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"Sugar, I want to-"


"Do you guys want your water refilled?" Two sets of blazing eyes mark down Itadori as he gestures at our glasses of barely spent water.

We smolder in silence.

At our lack of reply, he seems to realize the significance of our tense atmosphere. He mutters an apology and scatters, saying something along the lines of how scary women and relationships were.

I resume my proclamation less boldly than before, caressing my wounds. "I want to spend forever with you."

Sugawara blinks and falls back in his booth, releasing my hand. He's in shock. "What?"

"I didn't know how to say it, I'm so afraid to lose you-" I wring my hands together, assessing his reaction, "-but I want to fight that, I want to work through anything and everything in order to spend the rest of my days with you."

Suga runs a hand through his hair, smiling to himself, a soft blush curling around his cheekbones. He lets his hair fall over his forehead, messy with tussled silver. "Are you asking to..." He trails off as warm relief blossoms in my chest. "...marry me?"

"Yes-" I stumble over my words, "-of course, if you're not ready to be engaged, that's completely respectable and I-"

He cuts me off. "Yes, absolutely yes." Sugawara's cheekbones grow redder by the second. "Oh my god, I was so worried you were done with me or mad, I never expected this." He slumps in his chair, feigning relief with a dramatic hand.

I breathe a sigh, coaxing the swirls of flame rising in my throat. "I'm glad I cleared things up." The hospital room fades from my mind and empties, forgotten. The wires and bandages fall away. Suga is my support, my healing, my life. He holds my heart in gentle hands and provides me with stability every step of the way. "I love you, Sugar."

"I love you too." He smiles. He may not be perfect, but always puts forth his best effort.

We settle into comfortable silence before Suga sits up with a sudden speed, his eyes alight with amusement and joy. "Just wait until the team hears about this!"

Tension slips away, replaced by light-hearted conversation as we wait to be served. Time flies, brimming with soft laughter and dancing lavender lights. Sugawara points out some of his favorite jewelry stores, proclaiming that he'll buy silver promise rings studded with amethyst.

"In your dreams, maybe." I chuckle, resting my head in my palm.

"I promise. I'll work hard to earn them, for you!" He insists, sitting up straight. The lights glimmer dreamily above us. This day almost doesn't feel real, as if I'm floating through a beautiful dream.

I swirl my ice water with my straw, taking a sip. "We still have marriage rings to pay for, you know."

He blushes and looks away. I don't miss the soft smile that alights on his lips. Before he has a chance to reply, Itadori swings by the table with our sushi.

"The volcano roll for you, and the...naruto roll for you." Itadori smiles as he serves our food, but I notice exhaustion clouding his gaze. His smile isn't genuine, something must be wrong. It's none of my business.

He's quick to dish out the soup, gone as fast as he came. I turn back to Sugawara. "Wanna take a picture?"

He grins in reply, scooting over to make room for me on his side of the booth. I scurry over, tugging my food to his side of the table. I pull his phone from his pocket, sliding over to the camera.

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