written from the POV of a zygote

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Hello it is me🙈
Oh wait
I forgot what my name is...what the hell
But that's besides the point of this entry the point of this entry to is Chronicle whatever I think,actually now that I think about it that's the entire summary of this book's Purpose

So umm...
My sister threw a candy bar at my rib cage...
I now have a candy bar so that's good I guess ...
But was that intention of writing into the story? No. Absolutely not. Was it important? No,no it wasn't. But did I write in because I wanted to?Yes.

So look...
I FINALLY HAVE  A WORKING STORY PLOT! (It took me like 20 minutes to come up with the plot btw,I know that's devastating but it's better than absolutely no plot at all amirite?)
No spoilers hun
You'll have to look into it once I publish the introduction 🙈✨
Unless you don't want to read it,that's fine with me 🙈✨
Why am I talking like someone would read this or that book supposedly 🖐👁👄👁 I'm just talking to myself at this point

Update on the loud neighbors: it's almost 9:30 and they're still playing their music this has been going on all afternoon and it's hard to focus on anything I could in theory drown there music out with mine but yk with my entire situation currently I can't do that so imma go somewhere to drown out the noise 🙈

Random note: my concerning emoji history even though not a soul asked  👁😑🖐🙈👄✨😐😍🐡👀😏💀🎀👏👅🤘😔😀😈🌸💮🐢🔪😤
Now sit and vibe with me peeps 🙈✨ or don't  feel free to leave🌸

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