Sneak Peaks of soon to be released projects!

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Yes I have finally gotten plots sorted out, congrats to me ofc 😩💅
Get ready for more after those get their first 2 parts this week ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Promises were not kept -_- , I'll make the first chapter for "Pending..." Soon after I fix up some of my book's titles and covers 😌)

Author Note:
I'm going to be releasing more ships and plots AND an additional book of unpopular opinions [Some on the communities I'm in and the general media ;) ]
Also, so far none of my books will have smut, I'll read it but I won't write it yet [maybe in the future but not now]
Anyways I'll stop tugging on y'alls leashes and get started with the first 2 parts of the books!

Pending...: I swear this is going to be the fluffiest shit I write so far but then it's gonna get angsty trust me it will be (chef kiss) and the ending is gonna blow y'all away I swear 😼👌fucking jam-packed Shi I tell you, when I tell you my sope heart was MOANING when thinking this up...JUST YES BOO (Released! In Progress)

Lost: UGH YES! It's going to be so emotional and I even cried thinking up this plot it's gonna be so good if y'all like crying and there's gonna be a lot of fuck ups, some light fluff moments,tons of plot twist, maybe even get a lil spicy from time to time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), and in general just GREAT hun, trust me if ya like namjin and good plots, you will most likely love it hun,😏 it starts out easy and slow but progressively escalates (Released!In Progress)

The Secrets And Stories Of Those Eyes: Vmin alert! This story made me heartbroken thinking of this one, it's going to be one emotional ride, trust me writing it down in my plot book HURT my soul, luckily I believe in good endings!Hella Depressing tho... (Deleted)

Tangerines: It was meant to be a 2seok book at first but I changed it to yoonjin because that shit is fucking adorable, it's a break up AU where Jin continues to have dreams about his ex and friend, Min Yoongi, I explain it better in the dead. So check that when it comes out (Stuck in drafting stage)

Closets: A Taekook Book! Love my hiatus I thought up a lot of the plots and this was one of the best ones! I think this one is gonna be kinda ya know, (smutty) but I wouldn't bet on it it's probably gonna be more angst than that..

                                           (Unsure drafts)

???: It's a hybrid AU but I'm not sure I wanna do it, it's been in my dreams a lot recently I'm just not sure I want to act on it and make it an actual book I mean ive deleted 2 👁👄👁

In general: All of them are gonna get like REAL angsty (because I love writing fluff and angst together, they just compliment each other, like CHEF'S KISS) and sometimes it may get a lil deep and depressing 👁👄👁 but it's gone get better 😏👌and each story is gonna have a lot to unpack so use your big sexy wrinkly brains my besties 😼💅

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