You hurt them

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- No this bitch did NOT step on the new J's
- You hurt his ego lol
- p i s s e d
- wants to do a rap battle
- smh, bitch wasn't playin'


- She hurt you before you even thought about it
- She hacked your game files so she knows about every move you make
- She was disappointed when you werent gonna kiss her yet.

Daddy Dearest (Elvis)

- L a u g h s
- He loved you even more
- he LOVES women that has balls

The Mom (Claria)

- Wasn't Pleased
- Steps on you as if you are a carpet
- You punched her in the tit
- Y'all, The house didn't make it
- It died from the constant fighting-

Lemon Demon

- Amused
- Didn't care
- Didn't show one bit of pain
- You even seen his smile move in pleasure-
- Um Chile anyways-

Skid and Pump

- Curious and sad
- Wonder if they did something wrong
- You hug them and say sorry
- they happy bois
- Welcome to spook month


- Bitch
- My nigga pulled out his two uzi's-
- its about to be Pico's school 2 up in this fucking house-
- Except Your the fucking 'goth /Uber kid' in the 'game'
- You survived.



- Curses at you in german
- Aims a gun at you
- Says she is going to kill you
- Y'all all know cassandra be talkin that bullshit
- You didn't die
- Cassandra in her feelings rn 😝✌


- Enjoys it
- Tf
- Nene is weird.
- You walk away, Disgusted
- Nene is very amused.

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