They are corrupted Pt 1

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Note: Probs the only time ill add senpai.)


- Is in that horrendous demon form
- Tries to kill you
- But you ran off
- hehehe....Will you survive or die?

Boyfriend (Keith)

- Wants to do a rap battle
- You guys made a bet
- If you lose Then, You give him your soul. If he loses then, He can't attack you anymore

Girlfriend (Mira)

- Just sits on the Speakers, Twitching
- She can't really move
- You go near her
- She glares at you and she seems to twitch more as if she's trying to attack you.

Daddy Dearest

- His mind is powerful so hes barely affected by corrupted
- But....*Gasp!* He was already fully corrupted!
- That must be another reason why He attacks BF.


I'm trying to wake myself up, give me a breakkkkk- its 11:18 am-

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