Chapter 1~

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I walked through the doors of Lake Weir High School. Cautiously walking towards my locker, looking for anyone who might provoke me. Thankfully during the time to walk to my locker no one sees me pass by. Not normal believe it or not. People usually pay attention to when I'm there or not. They like seeing the "fights" even though that's a fabricated overstatement. I'm being beat up, usually never fighting back. Sometimes I feel like I could get away for long enough to run. Never happens. To me at least.

I successfully make it to my locker without any provocations. I collect my textbooks for my next 3 classes and make my way to my first period. I walk into the classroom and quickly make my way to a seat towards the back. I sit down and set down my bag and grab my mechanical pencil, my notebook, and my folder. I put my backpack on the floor next to me and pick up my pencil and start to draw on the front of my notebook absent mindedly. After about 5 minutes of tracing the same circle around my notebook my lead broke and snapped me back to reality. By then the classroom had already filled up and class was in session. I began to pay attention to the teacher but I started thinking, 'why do I have to listen to this? I learned the Pythagorean Theorum in 7th grade! Why are we doing it again?' Then my teacher said in a quite annoyed tone, "Okay, so unless anyone has any questions they can do lesson 81. I'll write the pages and the questions to do on the board." After she said that she picked up a black expo marker and wrote on the board the lesson and what we are supposed to do, "When you are done with this lesson please do not ask me what you are supposed to do, directions are on the board." I just finished 81! Ugh not doing it. So I opened my notebook and started to draw the shape of a head. Not sure what I'm going to draw but I'm definately NOT doing this stupid work.

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