Chapter 5~

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(Shanes POV)

I make my way to my locker, looking down. I don't want her to look at me.

I rush to my locker, and grab my things, and practically run from the scene. Kristy stares after me, looking at me like I'm crazy. But I don't care. That dream rattled me. Badly.

I didn't really think about it, when I woke up the first time this morning. But when my alarm went off, its like an alarm went off in my head. 

'I feel like I know her... But I don't think I've ever seen her before... But she acted as if she knew me... Whatever. It was just a dream.' I thought to myself. 'I'm probably being melodramatic.' I mused.

I walked to first period feeling like a bit immature on how I reacted to that dream. I really don't know what to think of it. 'Oh well, just forget about it.' I advised myself. 'Wow I talk to myself a lot.' I laughed a little at that.

I sat down in my seat and began to instantly gaze into space.


The bell rang and I immediately became animated once again. I blinked a couple times to get myself used to the sudden change in my mindset.

"Okay guys, I expect this DONE by tomorrow morning." My teacher said.

'Yeah I see you laughing on the inside. You don't hide it well.' I scowled at him in my head.

I went to my locker to collect my things as normal, and I get stopped by Kristy, "Hey, are you okay?" she asked, a confused and concerned look in her eyes.

"Oh yeah!" I said a little bit too cheerfully.

'Great job genius.' I said sarcastically in my mind.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." I grinned at her.

"Okay... it's just this morning, you seemed like you were avoiding me...?" The concern still lingering in her eyes.

"No, no, last night I had a nightmare, and I just... yeah. I was just feeling a bit weird this morning, nothing to worry about." I rambled.

'Why am I acting like this...?'

The concern immediately lifting from her gaze, it was replaced with happiness as she smiled. "Oh, good! Well- not good but-..." She said giggling.

"Yeah, I know." I laughed.

The warning bell sounded.

I looked at her, "Well, I'll see you in biology!" I grinned at her.

"Okay, see ya then!" She smiled.

I smiled back.

'Well this is going to be a long day.' I thought as I hurried off to next period.

During second period, all I could think was: 'What the he.ll is wrong with me? I never act like this... What's going on?' 

I couldn't even come up with a legitimate answer.

'What if you like her-?' I asked myself.


For a minute I couldn't even believe my own thoughts.

'But what if I do....' I couldn't help thinking it.

Its apparently normal to like people at my age. But since when was I considered normal??

I sighed dramatically and continued thinking, 'Why me? Why do I have to like her? HER of all people, too? Why couldn't I have liked someone like me? Or even a cheerleader? Anyone! But certainly, NOT, Kristy Riley.... The football star's girlfriend.... Well she did say they were going to take a break, maybe I could- NO!! NO. NO SHANE. NO.'

I couldn't even believe myself. I was literally having an argument with myself. 

I scoffed at that, 'I'm going crazy!' I thought. 

'I'm hopeless. I'm going to die alone. I mean there's nothing wrong with that.... but- never mind. I'm just going to stop thinking altogether.'

A few moments go by without a single thought running through my mind. Then:

'But what if she likes me?? Then what-? OH GOD. SHANE. JUST- UGH. I QUIT ON L I F E!! ....gosh am I always this dramatic? Do I act like this outside of my head? But--- WHAT AM I DOING TO MYSELF?? JE-ZUZ!' 

I get pretty deep into my thoughts, and end up face-palming. Causing the entire class to look at me. 

"T-That makes sense now!" I say, to cover up my stupid mistake. 

Some people get the idea and turn back to the board. Some people are idiots and continue staring. At these people I dramatically point back to the board, which earns me some stupid, confused looks. 

'Whatever.' I think to myself.

'Can this day get any slower?'



I feel evil. Am I evil? Am I the only one that feels that?? No? Yes? No-one cares? cx

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