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Maria let herself in when I came down the stairs, something I always said she could do but was still surprised by

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Maria let herself in when I came down the stairs, something I always said she could do but was still surprised by. She had a small carton of milk in her hand and a large black hanging off the same arm.

"Excuse me," she said in a sing-song voice.

"Hey," I stopped just above the last stair and bent a little to smile down at her.

"You shouldn't leave your door unlocked," Maria chided. "You never know who could walk in."

"I'll keep that in mind," I smiled. "But this is a nice area."

"No, it's a nice street in a bad area, Heather."

"There's the big Tesco round the corner."

"And on the other side, there are pedestrian buttons with grates on them!"

I curled my full lips into a thin line. Maria walked into the living room and sat down without taking off her leather jacket.

"Tea or coffee?" I knew her answer but I always asked anyway.

"Tea, please," she held out the small plastic carton for me to grab as I walked past her. "I got your cigarettes too. Menthols, right?"

"You bet," I called, now in the kitchen.

"And wine. Rosé okay?"

"My favourite!" I shouted a little louder of the boiling kettle.

Maria got up to stand against the kitchen doorframe, "How was your day?" I groaned loudly without looking at her. "That bad?" She asked. "Okay, I'll start. Mine was great! I woke up, went for a jog, drank some green juice, watched telly, and came here to ruin it all with smokes and booze."

I laughed. In spite of her bad habits, Maria was pretty good with her diet and exercise routine. She was in a constant state of wanting to lose weight when I didn't think she had a pound on her. "We're young," I reassured her. "You shouldn't worry too much."

"It's all about balance," she said with a professional tone, like an expert on one of the morning shows. "I do worry I am a bad influence on you."

"You are a bad influence on me. But it's not like I wasn't planning on scoffing down Wotsits before you got here so we both need a bit of work."

"Say what you really think, Heather," Maria said sarcastically.

"I said what I said, I meant what I said. Said what I meant."

We laughed and I poured the water out onto our teabags at the bottom of our mugs; I always gave her the black Star Wars one and I had the matching white one of the set. I took a small dish out and put some biscuits on it, then walked carefully with it all into the living room with Maria in the lead. I sat on the smaller sofa, which was actually a piece of the larger one which we had separated into two, as it had originally been one of those ninety-degree angle ones but was too big for our living room. Carefully, I passed Maria her drink with the handle out towards her.

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