Won X The X Battle...

244 11 15

Killua-                      1-7-21

Buildings whir by me as speed by. It's like my feet are moving  on their own. I'm trying - I'm really trying to fight against this. But...I feel tired.

Both mentally and physically tired. I need to stay strong for Gon! What if I'm not everything he needs? What if I can't control myself?

I thought the worst of it was over. Apparently, I was wrong. So, so very wrong.

I just hope Illumi can stop me in time. I've never wanted Illumi's help, but now..Now I need him. I need him more than ever.

As I get lost in my thoughts, a car almost hits me whilst I'm running across the street. I need to stop this!

~ ~ ~


I awake again a few hours later. My head is spinning, and I barely notice Palm enter the room. I looks up, and see a woman with long raven hair.

Smiling, I greet her. "Hey, Palm. Long time no see." I chuckle, and she smiles back.

"Wow, you've grown quiet a bit, Gon. How do you feel?" She says, concern lacing her voice. She gently runs her fingers along the bandages on my forehead.

"I feel fine. Where is Killua?" I say, asking the same question I asked Mr Wing and Leorio hours prior.

Her expression falls, and her hands tremble.

"Gon... I can't lie to-" Her words are cut off by an alarm blaring.

Someone's voice echoes from the speaker on the ceiling. "Code purple. Evacuate patients immediately. I repeat, code purple."

Palm puts her hand over her right eye, and gasps. She frantically runs over to my bedside, and picks me up. Palm gently wraps her hair around me, and runs out of the room.

All around us, doctors swarm the halls, escorting patients to safety.

Palm manages to get throught the suffocating hallway, entering a stairwell leading downwards. She breathes heavily as she runs, body shaking.

"Shit." She mutters under her breath as she pulls her phone out. She hurriedly dials a number, and continues running.

"Hello?" Palm says, exiting the stair well with me still held tightly in her hair.

"Yes, Gon's with me. No, I haven't seen...him. I...maybe we should tell him! He'll find out eventually!" Palm argues with the person on the other end of the line.

"...Understood. we'll be out in a few minutes. I need to take a detour, just in case you-know-who is there." Palm hangs up, and glances at me.

Palm continues running, even as her body tires.

"Palm, I can use my own legs. I won't ask what's happening, or who you were talking about. Just let me make this easier for you." I say, worried about the strain she's putting on her body. Half chimera ant or not, she's still mostly human. She can't keep going like this.

Palm shakes her head, tears streaming down her face.

As she runs, she puts her hand over her eye again. I'm assuming she's using her crystal ball, the one on her forehead. Her body shudders, then she speeds up.

Every now and then, she mutters 'no' under her breath. Huh, this is kind of like...a horror movie. Except I don't know what exactly we're trying to escape. Maybe it's one of the creatures! I hope Killua made it safely out of the hospital, assuming he was also here.

Palm suddenly stumbles to stop, and a moment later, glass shatters.

Moonlight pours in through the broken window. Palm and I both look up, and my breath hitches in my throat.


I tremble as my hands fly up to my mouth. Palm, already seeming to have a plan, releases me from her hair.

"Killua. Please, talk to me. This doesn't have to end in violence." Palm says as Killua jumps inside through the window.

He's on all fours, not making a sound. He looks..feral. Like he's ready to attack at any moment. This isn't him.

His eyes have lost their spark, and I shudder when I realize he's missing an arm.

"Killua.." I say, stepping closer to him. Palm sticks her arm out in front of me, and makes a wall with her hair.

"You need to go, Gon. It isn't safe here. Kurapika, Leorio, Wing, Illumi, and Ging are waiting for you outside! My teacher will be here soon. Go!!" Palm yells, pushing me backwards in the direction of one of the emergency exits.

"But Killua-" I start, but am cut off instantly. "He's gone!" Palm yells, a pained expression on her face. "Gon..he never stood a chance. The others will explain everything. Now, go!" Tears escape my eyes as I oblige.

I run towards the exit, blocking out everything. The sounds and smells. Everything.

I run towards the front of the building, and straight into Leorio's arms. I cry for a good 10 minutes.

"Gon..." Kurapika softly says.

"No!" I scream. "What's going on with Killua?! Tell me everything! I'm tired of the lies! I had to leave the person I loved the most in this cold, dark world!" My voice shakes as a fresh batch of tears flow down my cheeks.

Kurapika looks down, ready to break the news to me. Illumi just stares blankly, though I know he's fighting his inner demons. He always cared about Killua.

"Gon..Killua is beyond hope. There was nothing we could've done to save him." I glance over to Illumi, and then see Hisoka step out from behind him.

"It's true. He succumbed to the poison. Lulu and I tried to stop him. It was too late.." Hisoka's usually amused voice trails off, his expression and tone unreadable.

"Can someone please tell me what the hell happened? What do you mean, 'it was too late'?!" My voice raises with every word.

Kurapika solemnly says. "He may've won the battle, but he lost the war. I believe you can figure out what I mean." My throat feels dry, and I stare at Kurapika.

"We can still save him! He's not gone yet!" I shout, but my efforts are fruitless.

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