Chapter 4

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Positive. It was positive. 18 and pregnant, what would your parents say. I'm such a disappointment. I hadn't told Nick yet, would he leave me if I did? I don't want to keep it but at the same time I do!

"Nick! Come here quick!" You shouted.
"Wait in the bedroom until I say come in."
"Alright!" He shouted as you turned the shower off.
"Okay, you can come in." Your heart was beating so fast. When he came in you rushed out wiping your tears from your cheeks.

He hadn't come out for 10 minutes now. You was sat on the sofa looking at your stomach, hoping you can look at a baby in 9 months.
You heard the bathroom door close.
"Nick?" You say whilst pulling your shirt over you stomach.
"NICK!" You shout as he closed the front door with no hesitation. He was going to leave me, wasn't he? If he is I'm going to abort it, I wouldn't be able to raise it on my own.

2 or more hours past and he still wasn't home. At this point, you were certain he wasn't coming back until you heard the front door open.
"Your back!" You scream whilst running up to him.
"Of course I'm back, why would I leave?"
"What's in them bags?"
He pulled out a white baby vest that said: "I love my mummy soooo much that my daddy is jealous"
You start to cry as you regret thinking he would walk out on you.

Miracles Only Happen Once //sapnap x readerWhere stories live. Discover now