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Katara's pov
As I start the day, this shadow avatar is the talk of the school. Everyone loves the mysterious hero, and everyone wants to know who he is. I walked into my first class and saw my best friends Suki and Toph.

"Did you hear about the fight Jet was in before school?" Suki asked
"Yeah, I even saw a bit of it." I replied
"Wonder who has the courage to stand up to him, and win." Suki said.
"That's the craziest part" I said. "It was Aang."
Both of them had shocked expressions on their faces.

"Wow, I always thought that kid was scared and weak" Toph said.
"Same, but that kid sure has guts to stand up to Jet, he will probably have to deal with his whole gang later." Suki said
We all shut up as the teacher walked into class and lets the day begin.

Time skip to that night

Aang's pov
As the night falls, I slip into my dark clothes to begin my night. I climb out the window, so no one it the street will see me, and begin my long night.
About an hour later, and I haven't seen a thing. I sit on a rooftop of an apartment and enjoy the view. I was about to keep moving until I hear the cries of what sounds like a small girl. I sprint to the sound where I see a small girl crying in an alley. "What happened, are you ok?" I asked her.
"AAAHHH SCARY" she then shrieked. I realist she is scared because she just see me in my mask, so I quickly take it off and show her I just a regular person.(yes I am copying that one scene in the amazing spider man.) "It's ok, I'm here to help" I say, waiting for the tears to stop falling. "Whats your name?" I ask, trying to calm her.
"K-k-Kiyi" she replied.
"Zuko's sister" I think to myself. I used to be friends with Zuko, but we stopped hanging out after he started to chase popularity.
"Ok Kiyi, it's going to be alright, I know you're brother Zuko, let me take you home." I said with a calming tone. Kiyi shakily walks next to me as I start to help her to Zukos house.

About 20 minutes later I get there and knock on the front door. Immediately the door opened and Zuko stood in front of me.
"What do you want" he asked in an concern full tone.
"Well, I was taking a walk and found this little one" I said as he saw Kiyi in the doorway.
"Kiyi" he happily yelled as her hugged his younger sister. "I was so worried about you" he said. Then he turned to look at me. "Um, Thanks for bringing her back he said.
"Your welcome, you might want to keep a closer eye on her though" I said in a joking manner. He smiled as I turned around and walked away.
Zuko's Pov
As I close the door, I hug Kiyi again, I was too relieved to be mad. "What happened?" I asked her.

"I thought nice man was scary, he had is face like this" she said, covering her face to only show her eyes.
"Kinda weird, it wasn't that cold outside" I thought. I've wanted to try and talk with Aang for a while now. When my mom disappeared, I tried to act more like my sister Azula to make my dad happy. When I finally thought I pleased my dad, my mom returned with a new child and Ozai sent me off to live with her. I now look back and hate what that I left Aang behind.

One week later (ik, big time jump, but this is just a normal year. So far:)

Third person pov
The day was normal as a day could be at republic high school. The only new thing was Jet was back in school, and he was mad.
As Aang walked into school, he was shoved to the ground. When he looked up, there stood Jet and his whole gang. "Hey, I never said our little conversation was over yet" he sneered.
"Well it is now" Aang said, brushing himself off and walking away. Before he could get three steps in, he was thrown to the ground again. "I decide when our talk is over" he barked.
"Jet stop, he never did anything to you." Another voice said. Jet turned around to see Katara, with a very unhappy expression. "Get out of our way, this is between me and airhead, unless " he said, before grinning. "Unless you would like to take his place" he said, walking up to her. Before she could pull water out of her bottle, Jet was hit in the back of the head.
"We agree on one thing Jet" Aang said. "This is between us."
"Ok, just the way I like it, unfair" he said motioning to his followers.
"You're right, you'd need a lot more friends to make it fair." Aang said, with the slight "ooooooooo" from the now growing audience. Jet and his gang now charged Aang. Jet seemed to trip on air, unknown to anyone, a small ledge of earth was created. The audience roared into laughter as Jet got up and charged Aang again. He quickly dodged the punches as more of Jets gang approached. Aang just quickly dodged the hits and used a small air blast to knock them down.
"ENOUGH" said Iroh, who rarely raised his voice.
"All of you, your suspended for five days" he said. As Aang walked out the door, he saw Katara. He walked up in front of her "you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, thanks" Katara said, with the slight pink on her cheek.
"Good, stay out of trouble" Aang said before walking out the door.

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