Here we are.

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It all happens so fast you couldn't see it coming. They all hit the floor with a bang. While they were groaning they heard a snicker coming from the side of the room. Still in pain the group looks up and sees the one and only Mr. Feeny shacking his head in his normal sweater, while Maya is standing behind him laughing in ripped jeans and leather jacket, her hair down and a spray paint can in her hand and probably more in her bag. "What are you laughing at?" Eric asks Maya. "How ridiculous you guys look." she openly snickers at them. " Ok I don't know who you are but that is kinda rude" Eric says again, she raises an eyebrow and walks towards him. She grabs him by the front of his shirt and makes him stand at her height. "What did you say to me?" she says in a threatening voice that made the people take a step back. "Come on Maya." Lucas grabs her and puts over his shoulder to bring her over to Riley, Farkle, Zane, and Smackle. "Really Huckleberry!" she protests, much to everyone's amusement and his embarrassment. 

She drops her bag that seems to have metal in it which catches the attention of everyone. "Maya what's in your bag?" Riley asks looking at it strangely. "I don't know what you are talking about?" she says un-convincingly, before she could react Farkle jumped and grabbed the bag a ran towards the adults in the room. She ran after him faster than he expected so when she tackled him it took him down hard. Maya jumped up with the bag in her hand much to the women's amusement. "How the hell did you do that!?!" yelled Morgan and Amy. "Do what?" questioned Alan who is right next to his wife. "She ran in three inch high heeled stiletto boots!" said Topanga in awe expression surprising the men in the room. "What?" asked Corey, Shawn, Josh, Eric, Lucas, Farkle, Stuart generally confused. "Imagine running on your toes." stated Riley looking at her best friend in a proud way. "Are you a fucking goddess!?!" Morgan yelled, the four teens openly laugh at this. "Trust me no god wants this" Maya says signaling her body. No one could tell but Josh really wanted to protest against the statement but knew better. "So what are we doing here anyways" Maya tried to divert the attention from her and succeeding. "I have no clue." Topanga answers her question. 

"Welcome to the theater, you will be watching edits, pictures, and clips from your guys life. I have specific reason to do this just to show you guys how much you have changed over the years."  said a voice coming from the ceiling. "How does it work! It has to be breaking a bunch of quantum laws!" Farkle says fanboying over the science. "Farkle, honey don't question it." Maya soothes, but he keeps rambling so going for desperate matters she starts singing a soft lullaby and petting his hair. Slowly he starts to mumble but his eyes grow heavy and he lens back so Maya can lay him on the couch which happens.  Maya's ocean eyes turn back to the group once again "So whats the deal," she asks not knowing what is happening. 

"I don't know" Riley says honestly,  the rest look around the room to find a screen now lit up. Showing the first picture...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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