Chapter Two: Fallen Down

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Ford and Dipper watched as the bullets surrounded the avatar. Suddenly, Ford's hp went back to twenty out of twenty.

"What?" Ford questioned. He was even more confused when a fireball knocked Flowey out of the way. A monster that looked like a goat entered instead.

???: What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth. Ah, do not be afraid my child. I am TORIEL, caretaker of the RUINS.

"How could I not be afriad? A talking flower just tried to kill me!" Ford exclaimed.

Dipper chuckled, "You have to admit, Toriel seems nice."

"She seems nice," Ford agreed, "However, so did Flowey! I don't trust her!"

Dipper smirked, "Going back to your "trust no one," mentality I see."

Ford laughed and shook his head, "For this game, yes!"

Toriel: I pass through this place everyday to see if anyone has fallen down. You are the first human to come here in a long time. Come! I will guide you through the catacombs.

"Catacombs?" Ford questioned, "Like... graves?"

"No. This particular area is called the ruins. Not, grave-like catacombs."

Toriel: This way

Toriel started moving to the north of the screen, then going into another room. Ford moved his character around a bit. "Do I have to follow her?"

"Well, there's no where else to go except back to the start," Dipper confirmed.

Ford sighed and followed Toriel. He walked to the middle of the room, where there was something sparkly. "What is that?"

"Click on it!"

Ford clicked on the sparky thing.

*(The shadow of the the ruins looms above, filling you with determination. HP fully restored.) Ruins - Entrance

"So, I know you're new to video games Grunkle Ford. That is called a save point. It saves your game and restores your hp," Dipper explained.

"If that flower was anything to go off of, I'm guessing I'll need these save points a lot," Ford sighed. He just started the game and already had a hatred for Flowey.

Toriel: Welcome to your new home, innocent one. Allow me to educate you in the operation of the RUINS.

Toriel walked in between four squares on the ground, pressing a switch afterwards and opening a door.

Toriel: The RUINS are full of puzzles. Ancient fusions between diversions and doorkeys. One must solve them to move from room to room. Please adjust yourself to the cite of them.

"Well, you know what they say about fusions. They're just a cheap tactic to make weak gems stronger," Ford commented.

Dipper smiled, "Mabel made you watch Steven Universe!" He realized.

Toriel walked into the next room as Ford went over to read the sign.

* Only the fearless may proceed. Brave ones, foolish ones. Both walk not the middle road.

"Ohhhh," Ford exclaimed, "She stepped on every tile except the middle two,"

"Ohhhh," Dipper exclaimed as well, "I actually had no idea what that meant before," he chuckled bashfully. Ford moved his character into the next room.

Toriel: To make progress here, you will need to trigger several switches. Do not worry, I have labelled the ones you need to flip.

Toriel started walking ahead as Ford moved his character to the signs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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