Branches and Sects of Heathenry

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Often when someone is new to heathenry, they assume that the faith, gods, and spirits are all from Scandinavia (or in other words, are Norse).  The amount of branches and sects are so numerous that even an experienced heathen may be unfamiliar with many of the paths in this post.  This post is meant to help anyone new to heathenry understand the different options and paths within the faith, as well as help them steer clear of branches that are problematic.

Heathen Branches
General Heathenry
General heathenry is a term that applies to all heathens.  Essentially, a general heathen follows the heathen faith, works with heathen gods and spirits, and holds heathen values.  All other branches can fall under general heathenry, so this term acts more as an umbrella term rather than an actual branch.  However, those who may incorporate philosophies, beliefs, and values from multiple branches would also fall more under general heathenry rather than any specific path.

Germanic Heathenry
Germanic heathenry acts as an umbrella term for the paganism of continental/Germanic Europe (which is not necessarily just Germany).  While Germanic heathenry is very similar to Norse heathenry, it is less influenced by neighboring cultures in Nordic countries. 

Norse Heathenry
Norse heathenry is an umbrella term for the paganism practiced in Nordic countries, including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland.  As mentioned briefly earlier, Norse heathenry tends to be slightly more influenced by the neighboring cultures (such as the Sámi and possibly even Finnish).

Anglo-Saxon Heathenry
Anglo-Saxon heathenry is the term for the branch of paganism practiced in Britain, as a result of Viking influence on Britain during raids and settlement.  

Frisian Heathenry
[c]Frisian Heathenry is a form of Continental Germanic Heathenry that focuses on the cultures and beliefs of the Frisian people (Angles and Saxons who lived along the coast of the North Sea). 

Frankish Heathenry
Frankish Heathenry is a form of Continental Germanic Heathenry that focuses on the culture and beliefs of the Franks.  The Franks lived along the Rhine, and groups include Belgians, Burgundians, and Franks.  Their branch of heathenry is heavily influenced by Roman and Celtic beliefs.

Alemannic Heathenry
Alemannic Heathenry focuses on the culture and beliefs of the Alemanni, who are a group of people who lived north of the Alps.

Alps heathenry, as the name implies, focuses on the culture and beliefs of heathens in the Alps.

Asatru (meaning “true to the Aesir”) focuses on the veneration of the Aesir (including Odin, Tyr, Frigg, Thor, etc.) in particular, and they value civilization and order (concepts associated with the Aesir).  They do also venerate the Vanir, but do not have as exclusive of a focus on the Vanir as Vanatru does.

Vanatru (meaning “true to the Vanir”) focuses on the veneration of the Vanir (including Freyja, Njord, Freyr, etc.) in particular, and they value nature, fertility, and sexuality (concepts more associated with the Vanir).

Forn Sed
Forn Sed (spelling varying from country to country) is the name for modern day groups of heathens in Scandinavia, and means “old customs”.  These groups tend to be reconstructionist, and value cultural customs as the evolution from ancient heathenry.

Firne Sitte
Forn Sed (spelling varying from country to country) is the name for modern day groups of heathens in Germany, and means “old customs”.  These groups tend to be reconstructionist, and value cultural customs as the evolution from ancient heathenry.

Aldsido is another name for Frankish heathenry, focusing on reconstruction of the old Frankish heathen customs.

Alþeis Sidus
Alþeis Sidus (meaning “old customs”) seeks to reconstruct heathenry in Iberia, which has had heavy influence from various Germanic tribes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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