Minsung - Valentines Day

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Teddy bear.
WC: 9105 words.
Date Published: 14th February 2021.
Other details: status = strangers.


Jisung took a step back from rushing around to examine his parent's living room. Everything was perfect for his father's surprise party. The birthday banner was in place, balloons were tied to the walls and music was playing. Everything was perfect besides Changbin who was still sitting on the sofa. He hadn't moved since he arrived two hours ago, watching TV and snacking on a bowl of cheese puffs.

"You know, I invited you here to help me and my mum set up," Jisung said, taking the bowl out of Changbin's hands and placing it on the coffee table with the rest of the snacks.

"Aww, but I was enjoying those, babe."

"Well, you can enjoy them when everyone else arrives," Jisung rolled his eyes. He looked around the room again, feeling something was off...

The disco ball!

Jisung left to collect it from the kitchen where he thought he'd left it. His mother was standing near the kitchen counter, icing a four-layer cake blue. "Mum, do you know where that disco ball is?" He asked, kneeling down to look through the cupboards but standing up empty-handed.

"Oh," his mother paused her icing, dipping the spatula in a bowl of blue, "I think it's in my room, honey. Why don't you ask Changbin to go and check upstairs for you?"

Jisung scoffed, "checking myself will be easier than asking him."

"Oh no, relationship problems?" His mother teased, slapping some of the icing in the centre of her cake. Jisung laughed off her words, walking back into the living room where Changbin was still on the sofa. The bowl of cheese puffs was back in his lap. Jisung gritted his teeth, hovering in the doorway.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat. Changbin didn't even look at him.


"Can you go and check if the disco ball is upstairs for me? I need to set up a few things."

"Why can't you do it?"

Jisung stared at him "are you kidding me? You won't do one thing for me?" He was met with a shrug from his boyfriend and Jisung stormed into the room. He switched off the TV by the plug. Changbin shouted in complaint but Jisung narrowed his eyes. "Sometimes you're really fucking annoying," he stated.

Changbin scoffed, "yeah, I'm the annoying one."

"You know what, forget it," Jisung threw up his hands, making his way to the staircase, "I'll do it myself. I'll do every-fucking-thing myself like I always fucking do!"


Jisung's dad was pleasantly surprised when he returned home from work to a surprise birthday party. All of the guests seemed happy too. There was a lot more people than Jisung expected, but he liked that. The more people, the busier he could keep himself, rushing around and making sure everything was perfect. He refilled all the snack bowls, updated the playlist with new songs and talked to anyone who approached him, usually elderly relatives or his dad's friends.

Everything was in perfect order. All the guests remained happy and Jisung would have been happy too if he didn't see Changbin leaning against the fireplace, elbow knocking a few birthday cards over. That wasn't what bothered Jisung the most though. What bothered Jisung was the fact Changbin was talking to his cousin, grinning and laughing like he never did with Jisung anymore.

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