Jilix - Bonded.

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The Rest for the Wicked.
WC: 5,969.
Date Published: 16th September 2021
Other details: within the thriller genre.
TW// violence.


Bonded (adjective):
1. joined securely to another or each other.
2. emotionally or psychologically linked.
3. bounded by a legal agreement.


Felix and Jisung dragged the heavy body down the aisle. Jisung's hands clasped one leg, Felix's the other. With every stone-cold tile the pair lugged the homeless man over, his head dumped along, but he didn't awake.

When a loosening button from the man's shirt got stuck in a grid on the floor, the two boys came to a stop. With one swift yank, Felix pulled him forward. The button broke away, falling into the dark space below the church floors.

"How sober is this one?" Father Beverly - the church's priest; a tall man in black robes and tiny beady eyes staring out of his golden glasses - addressed the two boys once they reached the front of the church.

"As far as we've seen, he's been sober all week," Felix replied, panting a little and letting go of the man's feet. The homeless man flopped to the ground in front of the priest, handcuffed hands crushed under his own weight. He was still unmoving besides the steady rise and fall of his chest. "He should be good to use. His heart, liver and everything else could be some of the best amongst the people we've taken this year."

"Hmm," the priest sunk to the ground in front of the homeless man. "I'll have to check him to know for sure, but you could be right." He raised and walked over to his desk a couple of steps away. As he took out his key and unlocked a top draw, the man on the floor stirred a little. It wasn't much, but it was enough to draw both Jisung's and Felix's eyes to him. They shared a look.

"He's moving, father. His head just moved. Should we take him into the back room?" Jisung asked.

"Yes, that'll be good. You do that while I write up this cheque."

Felix and Jisung already had a hold of the man's feet. He was stirring more now, head lolling side to side as the pair dragged him toward a black door at the back of the room. There was a massive yellow 'NO ENTRY' sign nailed to the front of it and three locks up the side. The man started murmuring incoherent words. Jisung looked at Felix. "Shouldn't we give him another dose? I have a feeling he'll be stronger than he looks if he wakes up."

"We'll do it inside," Felix said, using his hip to push open the unlocked door. As soon as he did, the stench of blood hit the pair like a ton of bricks. No matter how many times they entered the room, it wasn't something they ever got used to. It seemed to hit the man on the floor too, his eyes opening to stare at the ceiling of the white room. It was all white. White floors, white walls, white ceilings and a stench of bleach to accompany it. All white besides the stubborn dried bloodstains, which never seemed to come off the tiles. The man let out a cry.

"Lix, he needs another dose," Jisung said, a sense of urgency in his voice now. Felix sighed, passing the man's foot over to Jisung. The man tried to pull it away. When he failed, he tried to kick Jisung, but that failed too. Jisung's grip tightened, "easy there, tiger. You're only going to hurt yourself if you move now."

Felix pulled a needle out of his coat pocket. Pushing some of his long, blond hair out of his eyes, he pressed light blue liquid from a tiny glass bottle into the syringe and crouched beside the thrashing man. "You should listen to Sungie, honey. This will only hurt more if you move your neck about and I end up slicing your skin. Then how are we supposed to sell it on the black market, huh?"

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