Human contact

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I hear foot steps. I'm not scared. I don't feel anything. I'd rather get arrested than starve. It's Stan. I've never been so happy to see someone in my entire life. Stan brought some food. I won't starve to death. He's going to bring me some different clothes tomorrow. He also brought me a pillow and blanket. He told me he's been searching for me all night. He told me that the towns has a cerfew just in case I try and kill someone again.

No one gets that I didn't do it on purpose apart from Stan. He told me about Dina and how she hasn't been coming to school he's seen her in the store a couple times but she pretends not to see him. The schools having a memorial survis for Bradley on Wednesday which is tommorow. It's getting late and Stan had to leave because of this dumb cerfew.

It's Wednesday and Stan got me some of my cloths and some more food. We were questioning telling Dina but what if she dobbs me in. We desided Stan would try to talk to her and she if she was angry with me. He would tell her about me powers and where I was if she wasn't angry with me.

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