The bells

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Bells rang out in memory of Brad Louis. The cops were on pertrol all around town. In case I wanted revenge I guess. Stan came to meet me he told Dina about my powers and where I was. Dina was coming to see me tommorow. She swore she wouldn't tell anyone where I was. Stan again had to leave for Bradley's mermorial. His funeral is on Tuesday.

The night was cold and I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Dina. I wonder if Liam's trying to find me. I'll probably never see him again. What people don't understand is all I wanted was to make him stop talking to just make him shut up.
But know a phicopath and have to hide up in this stupid place. I least Stan comes to visit me. I have my fresh cloths on and washed my face and my hair with the wipes he had brought I still keeps my dads necklace on it's the only thing that rimended me of home.

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