Chapter 4: Euphemia

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I walked into the large ballroom, and the very first thing I saw was the large chandelier hanging from the ceiling. If it were to fall, that would be disastrous. I made my way around the ballroom, curtsying to everyone I knew, standing tall, knowing that everyone's eyes were on me. My name is Euphemia Cloristand, daughter of Baron Cloristand of Bridshing.

My parents sent me to attend the Marquis' ball this year because I am at the age where most young women start looking for suitors. I could have easily found a suitor back in Bridshing, but I should like to marry up, so that I can become a more respectable noble woman. Not that I am not already respectable. In fact, I am at the center of high society. Most people know me for my beauty, wittiness, and my father's rivalry with a certain duke. Of course, I don't particularly care about family rivalries, but I hear than the Duke's daughter is terribly dull and stubborn, and has been told to avoid me tonight. I'm sure she is here for the same reason I am, considering I'm only a year older than her. I am very curious to see if she truly despises me as much as her father despises mine. It could be fun, in my opinion, to add a little bit of action to this weekend. I scan the room, looking for long brown hair and green eyes, just like in the portrait, but it seems she hasn't arrived yet. I walk over to the side of the ballroom lined with doors. My mother said that if I happened to find a gentleman that I want to be alone with, away from the party, I should take him into one of these rooms. They are bedrooms for those who get tired after dancing. People come and go to take naps since the balls last until one in the morning. I opened the door closest to me and sat down on the bed. I decided to wait a few minutes until the dancing began and then I could return and see if I could track down Miss Clementine.


I stood up to go back to the main ballroom, when suddenly the door opened. I immediately recognized the face of the woman who entered. She didn't seem to notice me, so I just stood there, waiting to see what she would do next. She closed the door and sat down at the table in the middle of the room. I stood there for a few seconds then decided to say something to her.

"Excuse me? Miss Clementine?" She gasped as I stepped forward.

"Oh my, you startled me!" She sighed, relieved, and stood up. "Yes, I am Miss Clementine, Daughter of the Duke Monfrasier. How did you know my name? I don't recall meeting you before."

"You are correct; we haven't met before..." I smirked, walked over to the small table and gestured for her to sit. She sat back down in her chair and I pulled out a chair on the opposite side of the table and sat in it. "I recognized you from a portrait I had previously seen of your family. My name is Euphemia Cloristand. It is a pleasure to meet you." Clementine's smile quickly turned to a frown as soon as I said my name. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the sight of her disapointment.

"What is so funny Miss Cloristand?"

"Oh, nothing. I apologize."

"Miss Cloristand, I'm afraid you are mocking me."

"I'm not, Miss Clementine. It's are exactly what people tell me."

"And what have you been told?"

"If my lady doesn't mind, I would rather not say."

"Actually, I'm afraid I do mind. What is it you have heard about me? I am becoming curious now, Miss Cloristand."

"Well, I've heard that you, to put it blatantly, are the most uptight, high-strung, woman in high society and that you're beauty is hidden by your dull personality."

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