Season Four:Chapter Eight🎓

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Kings POV
I took a deep breath and knocked on Victoria's dorm room door.I was nervous to tell her I had feelings for her , but I know I gotta tell her at some point.I've been friends with her for so long, i shouldn't even be nervous about this.So here i go.She opens the door, she had a really big smile on her face.
"Hi King"
"Hey Victoria"
"Come in"
I walked in.
"You look good"
"I'm wearing my pjs dude"
"You still look good"
She chuckles "thanks, so wassup" ?
I sat on the bed , she sits next to me.
"Well I must ask you this first"
"Are you still dating Bruce" ?
"No, we been broke up"
I sighed in relief "oh thank goodness"
She grins "King...what's going on" ?
I glanced and her "it's just ..i need to tell you something but I'm kind of nervous to do so because the last time I did this I got rejected"
"Dont be nervous of lil ole me...and besides you will never know the outcome until you do it"
"Okay yeah your I just wanted to tell you that ...I've grew feeling for you Victoria...but I'm not sure if you see me in the way...I understand if you just wanna be friends"
She takes my hand and glares at me, I glared at her back.She takes my face and immediately begin to kiss me with passion, I kissed her back sensually.I thought I was dreaming or something.Was this really happening?! She slowly pulls away , still glaring at me.
"Does that answer your question" ? She says with a grin
"1,000 yes's"
She giggles and kisses me again.She pulls away and flips her hair.
"Wow I've been wanting to do that for a while now"
"Really" ?!
"Yesssss" she said as she lays back on the bed
"Can I take you out to eat tonight" ?
"Of course I would love that" !
"Okay, meet me by my car around 6"
"Okayyyyyy, should I dress up or down" ?
"Oohhhh fancy" ?
"Greatttt, I'll be ready"
I pecked her lips and hopped up and headed out.
"Yasssssss" ! I threw my hands in the air
Oh shoot she probably heard me, whatever.
Sophies POV
I grabbed my gun, I told everybody to meet at the abandoned warehouse on 56th street to discuss the plan.DJ was slipping on his combat boots.
"Nikki said she's gonna find Qt in the System and track him down like that"DJ said
"Okay good, gosh I just love technology"
"Right, I'm finna go downstairs , I left my phone"
I nodded.He hops up and walks downstairs.I took a deep breath and tucked my gun away in the back of my pants.
"Everything is gonna be ok" I told myself
Suddenly I heard a door bell.
I thought Sophie told everybody to meet at the warehouse.I opened the door.
Sophie's POV
Suddenly I heard a loud shrill scream.
"DJ" !!!!
I flew downstairs, DJ was getting shot with a tranquilizer gun.
"NOOOO" !!!
Before I could snatch my gun out , I was getting shot with the tranquilizer gun, I felt my eyes roll in the back of my hand, I knew I was about to pass out.
Princess POV
Everybody was pulling up at the abandoned warehouse.Domonique, Prince, Angel , Justice, Nikki and Mario ran up to me.
"Where the hell is Sophie and DJ" ?
"She was the one that said to meet here, how she ain't here before all of us" ? Domonique said
"Maybe their just running late" Angel said
"No ....I think something bad could have happened" Justice said
"Oh what" ?
"Idk...but I have a bad feeling" Justice said
"Lemme hack into Sophie's phone and track ha...." Nikki said
"Ok , cuz now I'm paranoid, she and DJ should have been here" Angel said
"They should have been the first ones here like i said"
"Maybe we shouldn't panic to fast, they could have stopped somewhere else before coming" Mario said
"I don't know Mario" I said sighing
"Okay I'm hacking into her phone now..." Nikki said
"Whats the tea Nikki" ? Prince asked
"Okay her phone is at her house...she's still home" ! Nikki said
"Okay call ha" Domonique said
"I'll call her, and Prince you call DJ"
He nods.
I quickly called Sophie and Prince called DJ.Neither of them picked up.We tried calling again, but they didn't pick up.
"Okay that's weird, they always pick up their phone" Prince said
"Ok maybe we need to go over their and check on them" !
"I told y'all I had a bad feeling" ! Justice said
Everybody hopped in their cars and headed to Sophie's and DJ house.Thank goodness Sorella was at the grandma house.Matter a fact all of the babies was with their grandmas while we take care of business.
Stephan's POV
Royalty stood by my bed, me and she was talking , and her friends was in and out to go to the bathroom and get drinks and snacks.
"Thank you for being here"
"Oh please Stephan your like a big bro to me"
"Your a really good Li sister, Princess is so bless to have you in her life"
"Awwww, that's sweet, but I always wanted to tell you and Princess are so blessed to have each other, y'all are always their for each other, literally each other ride or's amazing to see"
I smiles "she's my world"
"I remember back in high school when she had a crush on you, she talked about you all the time...I was like Jesus Christ just date the nigga already"
I laughed.
"She was really upset when you left like that"
"I know, but I apologized to her, I will never leave her again , that's mine forever"
"She better or I'll knock ya ass out" !
I laughed.
"You know I never got the chance to take her to our high school senior prom"
"Well the senior ball coming up right"?
"Well isn't that sorta like a college prom" ?
"Well maybe you can get the chance after all to take her to prom"
"Oh wow, I didn't even think about that"
"Yesssss period"
He grins.
"I'll be better before the prom right" ?
"Of course , that's not until 3 months"
"Oh yeah that's right, I forgot"
I grinned.
Princess POV
Everybody pulled up at Sophie's and DJ place.We noticed their cars were still in the driveway.Everybody hopped out their cars.
"Omg...their front door is open" !
Everybody ran in the house and we immediately begin to scream Sophie and DJ name, but no reply.They weren't nowhere in sight.
"Oh God...I think something bad really did happen" Domonique said
Prince runs upstairs, we followed him.
"Here's her phone" ! He says
"Sophie would never leave her phone" ! Angel said
"Is DJ phone here"?! Justice asked
We looked all around the room but it wasn't nowhere.We checked downstairs too , but it was nowhere in sight .
"Maybe his phone is with him" ! Mario said
"Well in that case I can hack into his phone too and track it" Nikki said
"I think someone took them" Prince said
"Yeah Qt"
"But how did he manage to get them both" ? Domonique asked
"Probably held em up at gun point" Prince said
"Or he probably took them to sleep or something...idk"
"Okay I'm in DJs phone,I'm hacking now...and a address just popped up"
"What does it say" ?!
"4567 Monroe Road" !
"Let's hit it" ! Justice said
Everybody ran out the house.
"We coming to save you Sophie and DJ" !
Sophie's POV
Me and DJ was tied up in a chair next to each other, with tape on our mouths.Qt was glaring at us as he aimed a rifle at us.
"Mmmnmmn" !!
He laughs "I can't understand a fuckin word you say Sophia Thomas.,oops I meant Sophia Collins..."
"Mmnmmmn" !! DJ screams
"Yeah I know all about you Sophie and your friends lil life, I've been watching and stalking, planning out when I was gonna make my next first move was at the Valentine's parade.."
"I put some poison in DJs cup...he didn't drink that plan was a I had to think bigger and better.. and Immediately the words football game appeared in my head...DJ was supposed to be shot and killed but instead Stephan was shot...but I mean that's okay ...because I was gonna kill you all anyways, after i killed DJ , I was gonna go to each of y'all homes and burn y'all up , baby included..."
"MMMMMMMM" !! Me and DJ screams
QT snatches the tape off of our mouths.
"Ow" ! DJ screams
"I got sick of hearing all that mmmmmmmm" !!!
"A fine ass gentleman" he said with a chuckle
He laughs " remember who's holding the gun Sophia"
I frowned and growled.
"LET US GO MAN" !! DJ screams
"No! Y'all are gonna die, you killed La la Sophie, and now you and your friends are gonna pay and suffer the consequences for your sins " !!
"I killed her because I was angry and hurt you weirdo, you cheated on me, I thought you loved me". !
"Nah, once me and La la started talking ...I grew to love her , we talked and fucked for weeks and you didn't even know"
I gasped as tears fell from my face "you monster" !!!
"Nah I'm just a broken soul that wants revenge"
"Our friends will come looking for us" ! DJ said
"They don't have a clue where y'all at" !!!
"Dude you was our friend for a long time, you know how we get down, DONT act like you don't know" ! DJ shouts
Qt glares at me , he begin to bite his nails.
"Oh don't get nervous now" !
"Shut up" !! He screams
He aims the gun at us.Me and DJ jumps and gasps.Outta nowhere we heard a loud ass chainsaw, coming from the front door.Princess and the gang bust threw the door.
"Surpriseeeeeee" !!! Princess screams
She runs and attacks Qt with the chainsaw, he was screaming,he fell backwards, blood was splattering all over the place as his body was getting sliced, diced and chopped.
"DIE BITCH"!!! She screams
Prince and Justice unties him and Domonique and Angel unties me.We were free , we hugged everybody tightly.Nikki was on the phone with the cops.Princess put all her strength into killing Qt.He was dead , he just laid on the floor in a puddle of blood , his guts hanging out, it was so disgusting, but his ass is dead and gone, he can never hurt us anymore,
"ITS OVER" !!! I screamed
"FINALLY" !! DJ screams
"AND LOOK AT MISS BAD ASS" !! Prince said
He high fives Princess, she giggles and flips her hair.
"We did it GANG" !! Domonique screams
Everybody clapped , cheered and hugged.We heard the paramedics and cop sirens from down the street.

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