Chapter 2 The Horrible Dream

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Gnar gets some shut eye and he needed it. He had a bad day and thought sleeping it off would be a good idea. He might have a nice dream. But his dreams were far from relaxing. It was a living hell.

His dream started in a cave, similar to where he was sleeping in. He was relaxing in a cave. He heard some screaming outside. Someone rushed into the cave.


"What's wrong? Why is everyone panicking?"


He got panicked himself. When he got out the cave, he saw why everyone was panicking. There was a creature killing every yordle in his path. He had to save them.

He didn't know first aid but he knows how to fight. He could recognise some of the bodies. Nearly all his friends were dead but he still had family. Even his best friend was dead. He channeled his energy and went all in. He was hopping all around it. The creature was getting clever and knew what Gnar's strategy was. During one of his hops, Gnar got knocked down and stared. He never knew what fear was but now he's staring it in the eye, or eyes in this case, it felt familiar. It felt good for some reason. He took some deep breaths to calm himself down. He focused on escaping it's grasp and gathering up all the bodies and see if they're still alive. Unfortunately, little to none were alive. There were a few yordles that he saved and he got a thanks from it. But he was too focused on getting everyone to safety. His crush, Twig, was still breathing, alive. He forgot about having feelings for her so he would mess up this opportunity to save her. He sped back to safety.

"Thanks Gnar, I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it."

But unfortunately for him, he wasn't going to be asking her out anytime soon because the creature impaled him while he was going for more survivors. His crush ran over to him, crying as Gnar laid on the ground while bleeding out.


"What is it?"

"I have a confession to make."

"Tell me."

"I always loved you from the day I met you", he said passionately. Upon hearing this, Twig kissed him on the head and lips. Gnar was extremely surprised and embarrassed.

"I love you too but I never had the courage to ask you out", Twig assures him.

His heart warmed. He was scared to ask her out. But maybe, they could be together if he survived. One last goodbye later, Twig left him. After that, he got woken up from his dream by a noise.

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