Clyde Logan - Darlin'

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A/N: Ya'll know the deal by now. It's smut. But like...sweet smut cause Clyde is a sweet man.

AO3 tags: praise kink, clyde logan is a sweetheart, Clyde Logan, Soft Clyde Logan, Clyde Logan thinks your pretty, clyde logans good girl, my husband watched me write this, yes it was weird, he asked why I kept blushing, mind ya business

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A violent clap of thunder ripped you from your sleep, your lungs sucking in a desperate, terrified gasp.

Your mind took a moment to break through the lingering haze of sleep as you sat up in bed, head resting in your hands as you tried to silence your broken, heaving breaths. A bead of sweat dripped down your nape and for a moment you wondered if it was from the unseasonably warm West Virginia air or the radiator of a man laying next to you.

Both. Probably both.

You sat there, a yawn pulling from deep in your chest when his arm wrapped around your waist, lovingly pulling your body to lay back down. You did, curling into a half awake Clyde, his arm holding you close while his hand reached around to cradle the back of your head.

"It's alright, darlin. I'm right here."

Clyde was your safety, your heart, and in his arms was the only place you ever wanted to be...especially during a stupid fucking thunderstorm.

With time, aided by the ever-present wash of fatigue in your brain, you felt your body start to melt into him. Your cheek resting on his bare chest, your heartbeat regulating itself to the cadence of his. A sense of peace washed over you.

The rain pittering against the window.

The slow, rhythmic lullaby of Clyde's breath.

Your eyelids drifted closed, mind slowly going dark...


Another harsh crackle of thunder, yet again jolting you awake.

"Fuck," you shouted, turning deeper into Clyde's embrace, the soft rise and fall of his chest morphing into...laughter?

You popped your head up from the crook of his arm, your hand landing a smack right to his chest.

"Don't laugh!"

"Oh darlin, I'm not laughing at you-"

"Yes you are!" you half giggled, eyes searching for his. You could just barely make out his features, the usual moonlight obstructed by the storm, cloaking you both in an almost unsettling darkness.

Well...unsettling to you, anyway.

"You're mean," you whined as your fingers found his face, landing on the plush warmth of his cheek. You let your touch wander to the soft dip where his forehead turned to nose, slowly dragging the pad of your finger down, lingering on the slight bump of the bridge before finally finding his lips.

"Clyde Logan-"


You landed a soft flick to the tip of his nose, eliciting another breathy laugh from him, his arm holding you just a little bit tighter.

"Lemme finish. You are the most-"


"Pain in the ass."

A rush of air rolled over your fingers, a soft laugh escaping his chest as his grip tightened on the back of your neck, slowly pulling you closer.

"I love you," he whispered, your lips meeting in a soft, ardent kiss.

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