Ronnie Peterson- Get Me In Trouble

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You took a deep breath before slamming your foot on the gas. Your car lurched forward, quickly closing in on and subsequently passing the police car parked on the side of the road. Just as you had hoped, the lights and sirens blared to life as the car ripped out behind you.

Your heart was beating fast, your hands almost shaking as you started to ease off the gas and on to the break. You had a brief moment of panic as you pulled over on the desolate dirt road.

Fuck, what if it's not him. What if it's Cliff or even worse; Mindy.

You tried to steady your breathing as you shifted the car into park and killed the engine. The cop car pulled up behind you, the lights turning off before the driver door creeped open. You watched officer Peterson appear in your rear view mirror, a wave of excited relief washing over you.

Go time.

You adjusted your tits in your low cut top to make sure your cleavage was on full display before hiking up your skirt just enough to show the right amount of thigh.

He stepped up to the driver side door and peered in, his arm resting on the top of your window. His eyes went directly to the bare skin of your legs before making their way slowly up your body, drinking you in.

"Hi Ronnie," you tried to sound innocent but you could tell that he already knew your intentions.

"Now how did I know it was you." His eyes lingered on your lips a moment before he made eye contact with you. He's easily the most handsome man in this entire town, maybe even the entire state, and you needed him between your legs now. "Second time this month. You know, if you keep this up, they'll pull your license."

You could tell he was trying to focus on your face, desperately trying not to stare at the exposed flesh of your chest. You started breathing a little harder, making your chest rise and fall dramatically. If that's the game he wanted to play, you were determined to best him.

"Funny that you mention that, I pulled up my record and it's the weirdest thing- my last ticket isn't there. I think the cop that pulled me over forgot to put it in...or maybe he likes me," you bit your lip as you looked up at him.

The memory of the last time you were pulled over by Ronnie flooded back. Your plan was to try and fuck him then but you chickened out. You could tell he was down but neither of you had the courage to make the first move, so nothing happened. But not this time, this time you were going to do it.

He gave you a knowing smirk before reaching for his ticket book. Your heart fell a little when he didn't try to take you then and there but you were ready for a bit of a challenge. You pulled your skirt up just a little bit more, catching his attention. He took a deep breath before bringing his gaze back up to your face. You gave him a coy smile and batted your eyelashes.

"What's wrong Ronnie? Pussy got your tongue?"

He licked his lip, sighing as he tucked his booklet away before giving your window a 'tap tap'. "I'm going to let you go with a warning this time ok? Just...slow it down."

He started walking away and you began to panic when you suddenly remembered that you had planned for this. You grabbed the spare set of keys from the cup holder and took a deep breath. You quickly unbuckled and stuck your head out the window.

"Ronnie!" You called after him, hurling the extra keys out of the window. He watched in horror as the keys flew through the air, moving to try to catch them. It was no use, you played softball in high school so those bad boys were gone. "Oops," you smiled at him.

"Why would you do that?" He looked at you exasperated as he headed in the direction of where you threw your keys.

You climbed out of the car and gave him a shrug. "Yeah, those are gone. I can have my friend come get me but...mind if I wait with you?" You were already headed back to his car. He made his way over to you, quickly closing the distance with his long legs. He stood directly in front of you, his chest mere inches from yours. Your breath hitched in your throat as your eyes met his. There was a hint of something that you hadn't seen before. You hoped it was lust but it could have been annoyance, it was kind of hard to tell.

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