George's new clout goggles

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Ok, so, prob the only thing I will post for the next few weeks but alliharper27 commented on this a while ago and I just wanted to make a very short little thing about george talking about his clout goggles before dream hung up.

"Hey, guess what"


"I finally got a new pair of clout goggles!"

"Wait, really"

"Yeah, the other ones were getting kinda old and crusty and I just didn't like wearing them that much. So, I searched google for a new pair in a different color because white is kinda boring so I found this random website. They had these really nice blue color that was light blue but it had a few shades lighter than you would think. That were litteraly so freaking cute. The only thing was that they were like $30 and it's not too expensive but still it's $30 but they were so cute. I just ended up buying them and then the shipping took like 5 weeks cuz of covid and stuff and I'm kinda impatient so like everyday I was checking my email to see if they got shipped. And like 2 days ago they finally came in, so, I tried them on and they look so good on me. They litteraly barely contrast my skin but it contrasts it enough to the point where you can see the blue of the sides. So, do you think I should send you a picture?"

When george heard nothing he looked at his phone and saw that dream hung up.

"Well, no picture for you then."



Hope you enjoyed this cute little thing. I will prob be updating with either the first skephalo book or a request next so that will be in probably like a few weeks maybe longer. Anyways, know you are loved and make sure to eat!

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