Chapter 1

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   Lexis would be walking down a path, all alone. They sighed, wondering how much longer the walk to the mansion would take. The scenery was quite beautiful though, so they couldn't really complain. Lexis worried about what awaited them when they arrived at the vampires mansion. They had heard many stories and tales of the vampire noble who lives there, hearing that she was merciless and cold-hearted. She can't be that bad, can she?, Lexis thought. They would find out soon enough if the vampire noble was as dangerous as they had heard as they were nearing the mansion; and they would arrive there soon.

~~Narrators POV of Irma:~~

Irma would be sitting in her lounge area, drinking some tea a maid had brought her. She wondered if anything would happen today. It had been a pretty calm day, and she was just relaxing and having a relaxing day. One of the maids, Eiline, would be dusting off some shelves and things on the shelves while humming to herself. It was enjoyable to get to have such a pleasent evening without any disturbances. Half an hour would pass,.and Irma decided she was going to go out for a walk. The sun was beginning to set, but she enjoyed taking walks late in the evening towards nighttime. "I'll be back in a bit, Eiline. I'm going for a walk, I shouldn't be gone for long." Eiline nodded in responce, then Irma would get up and walk outside.

~~Narrators POV of Lexis-~~

They had been walking for a while, and began noticing that the sun was starting to set. They worried they were going to end up still walking late at night in this dangerous territory were many vampires were said to thrive around I'm the nighttime and attack people they saw. Lexis would sigh. Eventually, Lexis would get tired from walking and decided to take a break. Finding a tree to sit under for a bit, Lexis walked over and sat under it. "Maybe I should've brought something to eat with me.. But I didn't think it would take this long to get to where I need to go..", Lexis said to themself. A few minutes past, and it was pretty quiet and calm. Lexis would then what someone walking near them, and looked around. There would be a woman walking down the path from the direction they had been walking towards. She looked over at them, and would smile slightly. "What's someone like you doing out here alone? It's quite dangerous to stay out here at night, and especially alone." She would walk over to Lexis. "Oh, uhm.. I'm just staying here for a moment, then I'm going to start back on my way to where I need to go," Lexis would reply, wondering if they should say the exact reason or not. They had their guard down for now as they were tired. The woman seemed friendly enough, so there was no reason for alarm. "Oh, I see. Well, there aren't many houses for another half an hour. I would suggest perhaps staying somewhere for the night then going to where you need to go in the morning?" Lexis would sigh, "I could try to find somewhere to stay the night, but I'm not really sure where I would go.." The woman smiled, then said, "Well, I have a free room in my home if you'd like to stay the night. Although you don't have to accept my offer, since we've only just met." Lexis would think about it for a moment, and the offer did seem very tempting. Lexis was hungry, tired, and their legs were a bit sore from how long they had been walking. They didn't want to put that much trust into a stranger, but they didn't have any other options other than to stay out in the wild at night where it would be even more dangerous. "Are you sure? It is a really nice offer, but I wouldn't want to stay if it would be a burden to you.." Lexis said, not wanting to end up staying at someone's house if they didn't want them there. "Of course I'm sure! I wouldn't want to stumble upon someone out at night by themselves and just leave them there. It would feel wrong to not invite you to stay at least just the night." Lexis would smile, feeling a bit happy that they would have somewhere nice to stay the night. "Alright, I'll stay the night with you then. Thank you, Miss." Lexis said, smiling at her kindly. "You're quite welcome." Lexis would get up, and would walk with the woman back to her home.

~~Irma's POV-~~

I went for my walk, and ended up finding someone all by themselves sitting at a tree. I knew it was dangerous for a human to be out this late at night, so I invited them to stay the night at my place. Sure, there was a possibility of them being a hunter, but I've beat plenty of hunters in my lifetime. This particular human was quick to trust me and agree to stay the night, so I doubt they would be an actual hunter. We walked back to my mansion, and I invited them for a cup of tea in my lounging area. They fell asleep before I could pour them their cup of tea though. I put a blanket around them, and Eiline put a pillow under their head for them. They must've been walking for quite a while as I don't remember there being many places nearby.

~To be Continued~

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