Chapter 2

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~~ •Lexis's POV• ~~

I would wake up. I sat up, looking around. Where am I?, I thought to myself. I then remembered the walk from the cabin/cottage, then meeting a strange woman. I looked around the room to see if anyone was there, and I saw someone cleaning. "Excuse me, but what time is it?" The girl who was leaning would stop, then turned. "Hm? Oh, it's 10 in the morning. Sorry, did I wake you?" I shook my head no. "Oh no, it's alright, you didn't." The girl smiled back, "Is there anything you need, Miss?" I smiled at her. "Actually, I'm.. Non-Binary. I'm not sure if you know what that is, but I use they/them pronouns." The girl paused for a moment, then I think she realized what it meant. "Oh I see! My apologies, what is your name?" I would sit up on the couch, holding the blanket around me. "It's Lexis, but you could call me Lex if you'd like." The girl nodded, then replied; "I see. Thank you for telling me. I'll tell my mistress as soon as she comes in. In the mean time, would you like a cup of tea?" I nodded, and the girl set down her broom. She walked into the other room, presumably to get some hot water and something to make the tea with. The room I was in looked quite fancy. I would notice the woman who I met the night before walking in the direction of the room.   This whole place is so..fancy, I thought to myself.

~~ •Irma's POV• ~~

I would get dressed, then walked out of my room. I went into the kitchen first, seeing Eiline there. She was boiling some water. "Has our guest awoken yet, Eiline?" She nodded. "Yes, they have. Also-" She would whisper to her, telling her about Lexis being Non-Binary, and tried explaining what it was. "Ah, I see. Thank you for informing me, I'll go to see them in a moment."

~~ •Lexis's POV• ~~

The woman greeted me, and I greeted her back. "Did you sleep well, love?" I nodded, smiling at her. I don't know what it is, but it always feels nice to be called love, including platonically. It just makes me sort of happy for some reason. "Sorry I fell asleep last night before we got to talk.. I was just really tired."

"Oh, that's alright. I had to get some rest as well." The woman said, smiling. "Today maybe we could chat some and get to know more about each other. I don't get many guest to come over, sell besides a few friends. My name is Irma by the way, Irma Ackerman." When she introduced herself, I told her my name as well. After she said that, I smiled. I would enjoy getting to know more about this place and her. It looks quite interesting. The woman who had asked me if I wanted tea walked back into the room with a tea kettle, and poured hot water into my cup and layed the tea bags on a plate with a small cup of sugar cubes, then poured some water into Irma's cup. "Thank you, Eiline." She said, the lady smiled then went back to the kitchen.

~~ •Irma's POV• ~~

We spoke for a while, and they asked me some questions about my manor. We drank some tea as well.

"This has been such a lovely time, I really do enjoy having visitors. I haven't had many after what happened with..Lise. But that happened a few years ago, and not many people seem to remember." I said, stirring a sugar cube into my tea. "Did you say..Lise? You knew Lise?" I paused for a moment, perhaps they had knew her. "Yes, I had a girlfriend named Lise a few years ago. Her name was Lise Minden, she was such a kind person.. but then there was a tragic incident and she passed away." They looked at me. "Lise sister. Do you know how she died exactly? I never got to know." I put my cup of tea down. "Oh I see, I remember her mentioning having siblings. She seemed very fond of you and your brother. I won't go into much detail as it was a quite..gruesome event, but there were hunters who came, and they believed her to be a vampire. She tried to explain she wasn't, and that there was no need to worry, but they didn't listen.."

~~ •Lexis's POV• ~~

"Do you mean..the hunters..killed her?" I asked quietly. That..that can't be right. They said she was killed by the vampires, why would they lie?


-To Be Continued-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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