Someone Like You Pt. 2

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ship; dnf
warnings; slight smut, homophobia
continuation to someone like you pt 1 :) it's gonna be looong


Life moved on, as did George and Dream.

Sophomore year of college came and went, slipping by faster than George would have liked it to. August quickly turned into October, the last month of extreme partying. From November to March, Frat-Houses died down as did Sororities. Partying was a foreign concept in the colder seasons on campus.

The summer was spent back in London, visiting family and old friends. George spent his three months growing, learning, and healing. He went on an occasional date here and there, yet nothing more serious than that. He wasn't ready for anything more than that, and that was okay.

When August rolled around, George flew back to America to return to college.

Junior year was just three weeks away, and George rented a new apartment out, located right outside of campus. It felt fresh. It felt clean. It was nice to have a new room to sleep in, a new room that didn't remind him of anything or anyone.

A new home that didn't have an extra toothbrush that was forgotten one night, a new home that didn't have a sage-green hoodie buried deep inside the closet.

And hey, George even managed to make a new friend. He was his downstairs neighbor, and they happened to bump into each other in the elevator. His name was Alex, and he was.. something else.

He kept George company, though. And that's what mattered.

Dream on the other hand, he stayed put in The Dream Team Frat-House. And now that the first week of Junior year was just three weeks away, that meant it was time for the annual Welcome Back Party.


Word spread around campus quickly. The Friday before school would mark the party's date. Of course it was a Friday, it'd be wrong of them to schedule it as any other day.

Friday's were the best for throwing parties. Young adults were desperate to let loose after a week of work.

It was Thursday night when Alex brought it up while hanging out with George's.

"Are you attending The Dream Team's Welcome Back Party?" he spoke as they sat together at George's kitchen table, mindlessly scrolling through their cellphones while they ate take-out.

George clenched his jaw as he looked up through his eyelashes. He shrugged nonchalantly as he set his fork down.

"Mmm, parties aren't really my thing." George says as he picks up his fork and resumes eating. "I mean," George says through a mouthful of food. "they used to be. Freshman and the beginning of Sophomore year were my prime-party-times."

"Oh come on George, this is the biggest party of the year and you're going to let it slip?" Alex complains.

George rolls his eyes as he set his fork down again. "Let's just say Frat-Houses and I don't get along very well." George says in short detail.

Alex leans over the table.

"Ooo, now you have to tell me why."

"Do I really? I didn't know it was a requirement for our friendship." George says.

"C'mon, it's only fair if you tell me. You can't just not give me an explanation!" Alex says as he adjusts his beanie.

"I don't think so." George says as he cracks a small smile.

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