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⚠️ warning ⚠️: Before I start the information of these characters aren't based of real life information the descriptions are descriptions of both fan-art and their minecraft personas.
Please enjoy this intro.

Also here is the link for Snow_Eve_is_Sad's story and please remember that this story is inspired by Snow_Eve_is_Sad and if you like this story I suggest you check her story as well she is an amazing writer.

Name: Dream Clayton

Age: 20
Job/Application: Royal butler
Love interest: None (yet)
Power: ???
Description: Dream Has dirty blond hair but not to dirty wears a grey-ish black outfit whit a mask when working. When not working Dream wears an elegant green-white attire with a mask.

Name: Drista Clayton

Job/application: None
Love interest: None
Power: Healing
Description: Drista has light blonde hair but not to light when outside wears an elegant turquoise attire.

Name: SapNap Panda

Age: 21
Job/Application: Prince of the fire Kingdom
Love interest: Dream Clayton
Power: fire bender
Description: SapNap has raven black hair but the tips of his hair fade into white. SapNap wears a black and white royal attire with a white bandana.

Name: George arti

Job/Application: Prince of the Alina Kingdom
Love interest: Dream Clayton
Power: Can make items from art pieces
Description: George has brown hair that fades into a rainbow at the tips. George's wears a blue, red and white royal attire.

Name: Illumina Shadow

Age: 22
Job/application: Prince of the assassination Kingdom
Love interest: Dream Clayton
Power: ???
Description: Illumina has pitch black hair that fades into the darkest shade of purple. Illumina often wears an assassin/ninja black royal attire.

Name: Technoblade Ex

Age: 23
Job/application:prince of the Blood Kingdom
Love interest:Dream Clayton
Power:super strength
Description Technoblade has pink hair. Techno wears a royal red and white attire.

Name: Wilbur Soot

Age: 21
Job/application: Prince of the Music Kingdom
Love interest: Dream Clayton
Power: can make real things happen when singing about the thing
Description: Wilbur has Dark brown hair that fades into a slightly light shade of brown at the tips. Wilbur wears a black-ish royal brown attire.

Name: Schlatt Goat

Job/application: Prince of the Wealth Kingdom
Love interest: Dream Clayton?
Power: can turn into a goat or ram
Description: Schlatt has raven black hair that fades into a dark brown at the tips. Schlatt wears a black royal attire.

Name:Fundy Fox

Job/application:Prince of the Animal Kingdom
Love/interest: Dream Clayton
Power: can turn into / talk to any animal but prefers foxes
Description: Fundy has fox like ears and has orange-white hair. Instead of a crown like the other prince's he wears a hat. Fundy wears a royal black-orange attire.

Name: purpled

Age: 16
Job/application: Prince of the Color Kingdom
Love/interest: None
Power: if purpled colors an event/thing it will happen/appear.
Description: Purpled has black purple-ish hair. Purpled wears a royal purple attire.

Name: Tommy inc

Age: 17
Job/application: Prince of the Fire Kingdom
Love/interest: None
Power: can manipulate fire.
Description: Tommy has blonde hair that fades into a white-ish color at the tips so it's hardly noticeable. Tommy also wears a royal red attire.

Name: Tubbo Zen

Age: 17
Job/application: Prince of the Allumos Kingdom
Age: 17
Power: Can manipulate nature and animals, similar to mindslaves but the animals love he to much so he doesn't use his powers on animals. And Tubbo can use animal traits aswell.
Description: Tubbo has fluffy brown hair that fades into a brown only a few shades lighter so it's a little hard to notice. Tubbo also wears a black and yellow attire.

Name: BadBoyHalo Darryl

Age: 28
Job/Application: Head servant of the Allumos Kingdom
Love/interest: Dream Clayton Or Skeppy?
Power: half angle half demon.
Description: Bad has pitch black hair that has little horns sticking out a little. Bad has pure white eyes. Bad wears a black servant attire similar to Dream Clayton's.

Name: Skeppy Zak

Age: 26
Job/Application: Prince of the Diamond kingdom
Love/interest: BadBoyHalo Darryl or Dream Clayton?
Power: can make his skin into diamonds making him as indestructible as diamonds.
Description: Skeppy has black hair that fades into a diamond blue at the tips with diamonds sticking out his skin. Skeppy has diamond blue eyes. Skeppy also wears a diamond blue attire, "it compliments my eyes" he says.

Name: Philza Minecraft

Age: 37
Job/Application: Prince of the Elytrian Kingdom
Love/interest: None
Power: Can fly and Command any bird type animal, can also see peoples backgrounds if he touches them.
Description: Philza has blond hair, he wears a gray and green attire that looks majestically royal. Philza also wears a bucket hat the colors of green and white.
"He's the bravest man I have ever met." Is what the locals say of the prince.

Name: Ranboo 'N

Age: 17
Job/Application: A new servant in the Allumos kingdom
Love/interest: None
Power: Can be as stealthy as a mouse and can teleport when need be.
Description: Ranboo has black and white hair split in half, wears an outfit similar to Dream and Bad but it looks different.

Name: Puffy Sails
Job/Application: second head servant in Allumos kingdom
Love/interest: None
Power: Puffy has the power of a goat, being able to scale walls that go at a 90° degree angle and can bash anything with her head.
Description: Puffy has light brown hair, and wears an outfit similar to Dream and Bad while working. While not working however, Puffy is seen usually wearing a pirate-like outfit.

Name: Quackity Eggsward
Job/Application: Owner of a casino/hotel in the Kingdom of Wealth
Love/interest: None
Power: Quackity can fly but he can't fly long distances, he has a strength boost.
Description: Quackity dresses in a white dress shirt with black suspenders, and black jeans he also wears a beanie and sunglasses.

Name: Foolish Totem
Job/Application: King of the Undying Kingdom
Love/interest: None
Power: Foolish has immortality
Description: Foolish has shiny gold skin similar to a Totem of Undying. Green eyes, sharp teeth, wears navy blue ancient clothing.

Me:I'm afraid this is all I have for characters for now if you want me to add anybody else please put them in the comments also if the love interest have a question mark that means I don't know if I should add the to the harem so I need you guys to add in the comments if they should or shouldn't be in the harem. Anyways have a good day reader!

Also word count 955 words.

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