chapter 11 the escape

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I'm so happy I've gone this far into a book that I actualy enjoy righting, doing this on my phone instead of computer lol
(Contains:language, forcing, kissing, and death)
(1632 words)
(technos pov)

I stand outside the door, wanting him to be done with her already, I hear her screams and crys, I could only imagine the pain she's going through

And it was all my fault

I sat down at a nearby bench in the hallways, y/ns screams and crys stuck in my head, just repeating themselves over and over again

About 20 minutes later

Alex finally came out, he had blood on his hands, feet, clothes, every where, "did you have to go that rough on her" he went to far, atleast to me, "oh come on blade, it's fun to mess around a little bit"

I stared at him while he was brushing off dust, "do whatever you want with her, she's all yours from here" he said as he walked away

(Y/ns pov)

Everything was hurting, my ribs felt like they were breaking every movement I make, my head spining in circles, the chains were pulled up more then they were before

They were so tight, it hurt so bad, I was crying trying not to make to much noise, I remember everytime I would cry and alex would see and hear, he would always just want to see more

I heard the door open and close beside me, "j-just l-leave me alone" I struggle with my words, it was so hard to talk, "what did he do to you" it was technos, his voice sounded worried, and scared

"H-he wouldn't s-stop" I cry out to him, like he still even cared, "y/n, I'm so sorry" he ran up to me, trying to inspect every cut and bruise I had "don't touch me" I managed to get out a clear sentence,

"please, I want to make sure you won't get an infection" "why would you care anyway, you betrayed me, in every way, and I ended up here, locked up, abused without any combat" I know he regretted everything

Yet I knew he was hurt to every word I said

"You just stood their and did nothing" I couldn't help but just yell at him, for not saying anything, not standing up to get me out of here, he grabbed the dagger that was on the ground

My eyes shot wide open, thinking he was just gonna keep the torture going, but he did something different, he walked up behind me and sliced the back of my shirt off

I was wearing something under it, but when techno took my shirt off, he was shocked, I was hot, sweaty, panting, some cuts dried, some cuts still bleeding, bruises everywhere on my body

I couldnt move, my back just flobbed against the wall, My hands dangling from the chains, my chin resting on my shoulder, "I didn't have a choice, if I did you would be with your friend having a party and never seeing me again"

The room was silent for a couple minutes, "I get that you hate me, but just know nothings gonna happen tomorrow, he expects me to do this, and I have a plan" I perked up a bit and rolled my head against the wall to face techno,

He had a smile on his face

"I want to sleep" I said with a weak tone, how could I get comfortable when I'm chained like this, "ok, here's a blanket, if you want it" he put it next to me, it was in my reach thankfully "goodnight love"

He still had the odacity to say that "night blade" I refused to look at him when he left

I woke up, once again in a field of flowers, I got up but nothing was hurting, I felt like my normal self, I felt a hand grab my wrist, I turned around in a flash and pulled my hand away

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