Dark Poetry #5

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I want to go back into the days

where hugs weren't just hugs

they meant something

you felt loved

but now hugs just mean

bye or I'll see you in an hour

but back then they meant

I'll miss you or I love you

but now the only times I get hugged

is when I'm in the dark

the dark gives real hugs

unlike the snobs that think they're too good for hugs

or the people that give hugs every second

but now hugs are worthless

unless you actually mean it


one more second and I'll die

but it's not bad at all

I've been wanting this

with all the stuck up snobs

and shirtless guys

what's wrong with this world

money can't buy happiness

neither can

stuck up snobs

or shirtless men

so dieing isn't bad the world isn't complicated

the people are


is a nice way to die

Where do I belong

I'm not in the

'too good to be seen with them' group

or the popular rich kid group

I'll never be in

'I'm dating him so I'm the best' group

maybe I don't belong in a group

maybe I don't belong in this world

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