Dark Poetry #11

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You don't understand,

No one does.

They think I'm messed up,

they say I'm a freak

but I don't care

they say those to feel better

but we all know everyone cares about what they say

through the fake smiles

and tiny fake laughs

is a broken girl.


What is it?

Some say it's a waste,

some say it's a gift,

I say it's a waste

people break from this monster called love,

people die from this monster,

though I vowed to never fall in love

I fell,

and I fell a little too deep.

Eyes with bags,

chewed lips,

crooked teeth,

uneven fingernails,

large feet,

plain eyes,

small chest,

these are all my flaws

and there's many more,

but my flaws are a reminder

of how ugly I am.

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