Chapter 28

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Welcome to Chapter 28 - well what can I say you caught me on a good day of uploading new chapters - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!

Scott POV

"Ha, that's funny. My name is Perseus Jackson, but everyone just calls me Percy." Stiles states with a goofy grin plastered on his face staring at us all.

"No, your name was just Persesus Jackson but you are now Mieczyslaw Perseus Stilinski Jackson, you now go by Stiles. Don't you remember?" Sheriff states sounding worried and I can hear his heart rate increasing rapidly.

"What sane person calls somebody Mieczyslaw or Stiles? I feel sorry for the poor person who has to walk around with that as a name but hey who am I to judge my name is Perseus." Percy states swinging his legs off the table and getting to his feet.

"Whoa, where do you think you are going mister? You have literally just exploded and something isn't still right with you." Apollo states gently pushing Stiles back to sit down on the table before running checks on him.

I hear footsteps and hooves approaching as the door opens to show Chiron, Annabeth and Thalia, they each let out a sigh of relief when they see Stiles sitting up.

"Can we talk outside first quickly please?" I state trying to get the urgency through my voice placing a hand on Annabeth's shoulder stopping her in her tracks.

Before I can say anything else, I am thrown across the room into what remained of the whiteboard. I get to my feet ready to attack any monster or creature that just attacked me to see Stiles stood with an angry face on him.

"Keep your hands off my fiancée otherwise next time I will get an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in Wolfsbane, dip it Mistletoe and shove it so far up your" Stiles shouts towards me doing a hand gustier and all I can do is laugh in reply.

"Ah Stiles buddy, it is so good to have you back. You had me worried for a moment then, did you really need to slam me into the board though?" I state slowly making my way back over to where everyone was stood.

"How many times do we have to go through this, my name is Percy!!" Stiles shouts and I notice that Annabeth, Thalia and Chiron have clicked onto what was happening.

"Okay Percy, if you are not Stiles then how come you threatened me the same way you did with Ethan? Also how did you know it was them things that would hurt me most." I state back at him watching as he tries and works it out.

"I don't know but don't think I won't do it. I don't known who you are or what is going on here but if you touch a single hair on her head I will end you." Percy stated and I knew this was no longer the Stiles I know and love.

"Um Apollo, can I see you, Poseidon, Scott and Sheriff in the hallway a second please? I think Percy is in safe hands at the moment." Chiron states walking out of the room, ducking his head as he walked through the door.

"Apollo, please explain to me what on earth is happening to our son. Why can't he remember himself as Stiles?" Poseidon asks as soon as I close the door as we enter the hallway.

"I don't know Uncle, I need to take him to Olympus for more tests." Apollo states truthfully and I remember what the Fates had said before they left.

"Wait, before you take him to Olympus I have an idea." I state to the gathered group, who look at me with desperation as to how to fix him.

"How? No offence Scott but you do not have the same level of knowledge as Apollo or of the Gods or their powers." Chiron stated and I know he was wording it in a way as to not hurt my feelings.

"True but think about what the Fates said before they left, they said 'An internal battle is raging within his head, if not undone he would remain dead'. What if they meant that in his head Percy and Stiles were fighting and now due to this battle Stiles is in some way dead." I explain and can sense the realisation running through them all.

"So to fix this we would need to enter Percy's head and save Stiles from what ever caused the battle and restore them together again. Now Stiles's head is a place that I have visited before so I have the knowledge along with Lydia on what to expect and how to do it."

"So what if we combine our knowledge and experience with the Supernatural with your knowledge of all thing God and save Stiles from Percy. If that makes sense." I state hoping they got where I was heading with everything.

"Scott, that's brilliant. Hang on, is Stiles somehow in your head now!" Sheriff asks laughing while tapping me on the back.

"How do we even get into Percy's head anyway?" Chiron asks with a smile on his face like a proud teacher as though I had aced every question on the test.

"It's one of the abilities I have as an Alpha but the tricky part is going to be getting Percy to allow us to do it. For me to do it I need to stab my claws into the back of his neck." I explain and notice Poseidon and Chiron wince and rub their own necks as I explain.

"Well that doesn't sound very hygienic" Apollo states and I can't help but laugh as I had never thought about that before.

"This is what you did to help Stiles fight Void, correct? So I am guessing Void would have put up a fight to stop you." Chiron enquires as he shuffles up and down his tail constantly swishing back and forth.

"Actually, when Lydia found him originally he was knocked out and we dosed him with Kanima venom. It basically paralyses a person for a short period of time. If we can get Percy to have some then basically we can get this done, we could slip it into a drink or we could attempt to hold him down and force it down his throat." I advise hoping that we go with the drink option.

Before they could reply a scream is heard from the room we had exited followed by a crashing sound. I grab the door open and race inside not waiting for the others, as I enter I notice that Lydia and Parrish are backed into one corner with Annabeth and Thalia backed into another corner both pairs seem be fighting against an invisible barrier surrounding them with Percy standing on the table where we had left him with his sword drawn.

"Percy, are you okay?" I ask him as I hear the others approach from behind as Percy turns to face us his eyes shining a deep purple colour.

"I'm sorry but Percy is not here right now!!" Percy speaks but the voice that comes out is neither his or Stiles's.

"Who are you and what have you done to my son?" Sheriff shouts at Percy who just stands their staring at him as I notice the barrier around Lydia and Parrish break down closely followed by the barrier around Thalia and Annabeth.

"Stiles or Percy what ever your name is, put the weapon down otherwise I will shoot you." Parrish shouts drawing his weapon and stepping in front of us all.

"He's going to shoot me Dad. Dad, he's going to kill me." Percy said towards the Sheriff his eyes filled with tears as he spoke before he turned to face Parrish.

"Go on then, shoot me. SHOOT ME!!" Percy screamed towards Parrish and it finally clicked who I was dealing with.

"Parrish, don't shoot please. Trust me." I state at him before stepping forward and looking at Percy directly as I feel the Sheriff move with me and I guess he worked it out also.

"Your not my son" He states looking at Percy and slowly pulls out his own gun aiming it towards Percy.

"If that is not our son, who is it then?" Poseidon asks sounding confused as to why the Sheriff had now pulled a gun on his own son.

"Void!" I state loudly receiving a sly smile and flash of purple eyes from Percy.

Thank you for reading - VOID is back again!!! - new chapter will be up soon!!

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