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In today's chapter, we'll be discussing the rules.

The One Direction Newspaper

Chapter 3: Rules

"I've got a fire for a heart, I'm not scared of the dark, you've never seen it look easy"


The Rules

Rules is probably the most boring part of every community book, but it's the only way to maintain order.

So without further ado, I present to you...

The Rules!

1) Please follow this account and the admin accounts permanently for updates.

2)For employees , you must have Discord  to communicate with the admins. You cannot join if you don't have Discord. Discord is a must here.

3) Please be kind, and don't use profanities or rude words against others.

4) This newspaper isn't to spread hate about anyone. Hate speech will get you immediately fired.

5) Be kind towards others. We're not here to be mean towards anyone.

6) If you have any problems, please PM one of the admins for help.

7) Employees, please do not be extremely opinionated in what you write. By that, we mean, hateful and harmful opinions.

8) Each article written for the newspaper will be checked by an admin for their stamp of approval.

9) Leniency will not be tolerated. We're a strict community and you must understand we cannot fit everything in for everyone's desires.

10) You must be responsible. The work you receive won't be taken lightly.

11) Have fun!


How To Apply For A Position

Each applicant will fill out a form to apply for a position. An admin will then check their form and conduct a short interview for certain positions such as graphic designers. Acception results will be given at the end of the interview.


That's all for this chapter!

Next one will be about application forms!



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