Character Bios and Explanations

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So all of you know the current main characters. We have Icarus, Mikael, and unnamed flying boy (looking for names for this dude). I really haven't given much insight to anyone's powers except the simple "wisping" and flying.  So I present, character bios and what their powers are and how they work.


Birthday: June 20th 20XX

Power: Projecting Reality

Hair Color: Ash Brown

Eyes: Pale Green

Height: 5'8

Age: 17ish

While I can't reveal his past right now I can kinda explain his powers.

His powers I'm currently calling ''projecting reality,,

It allows him to "question reality" and it allows what he questions to change and move.

It cannot be changed worldwide. Example: He can make someone think they're in Russia, while they're actually in England.

He can manipulate the area and items but not on a huge scale. (ex changing the whole Empire State building into a lighter)

His birth hair is brown and eyes are green he cannot change gov' records of this, only his physical appearance. 

Honestly he's a pretty nice guy once you get to know him.


Birthday:   January 4th 20XX

Power:  Clairvoyance

Hair Color: Black

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5'11

Age: 21

He's basically like an older brother to Icarus.

Clairvoyance is the ability to obtain knowledge about a person, place, or object by simply touching.

He's like the brains of the team, simply because of his ability.

Flying Boy

Birthday: December 21st 20XX

Power: Shape Shifting

Hair Color: Brown

Eyes: Golden

Height: 5'9

Age: 17ish

His shape shifting allows him to transform himself into another creature. For example, if he wants to fly he can shift part of his back to allow wings.

In this world shape shifting is a pretty common ability seen among the "heroes" and civilians.

If you have a good name for our flying boy comment it below!

Anyways next update should come out 2/26 ^^

Tysm for all the support once again!

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