Chapter 1: Bakery

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                       (Harry's POV)

The bakery. My favorite place in the world. The one place I could go to get from my sister Gemma and her icky boyfriend. They were the definition of disgusting, always bringin out the bread dildo while I WAS IN THE ROOM. That should be illegal to do to your own brother.

Right after I cleared my head of those disturbing thoughts, this beautiful boy walked in to the bakery(😍). The best thing about him was that he had a little bit of poop smeared on his pants. The best kind. The diarrhea kind.

He walked up the the counter and I gulped down the baguette I had shoved in my mouth two seconds ago. My butthole started to creamy just thinking about the bread that was in my mouth just seconds ago.

"Can I have two baguettes with a side of diarrhea?" He said seriously. I stared at him like he was an idiot before telling him we were out of diarrhea. He got angry but my butthole was just like wow he looks so hot while angry.

I told my butthole to shut up while blushing like a strawberry (🍓). He smirked at me before he came close to my ear and said "come to my house after your shift is done today. It's 48024 Babooshka Lemonooshka Drive." I gave him his bread and then he left.


The whole day after that encounter dragged on and on until my shift was finally over. I signed myself out before cartwheeling (yes cartwheeling) to my car outside of the bakery.

I started driving to the address that the boy gave me, hoping he was rich and that he could be my sugar daddy. The ride to the address was a long fifteen minutes and let me tell you it was damn worth it.

It was a HUGE mansion so maybe he could be my sugar daddy. I walked to the big mansion doors and knocked. The door opened to reveal a person that looked like a butler (just imagine Bertram from Jessie).

"We've been expecting you" he said before moving aside, letting me in. 'That's lowkey kinda creepy' I thought before pushing those thoughts out of my head because the guy that lives here could be my fucking sugar daddy for goodness sake.

The Bertram looking gay beckoned me to follow him through this expensive-looking house. He stopped suddenly and then I stopped, almost toppling into him.

"This is the place Mr. Tomlinson wanted me to take you to." The gay said, leaning against the wall like a gangster. I'm guessing Mr. Tomlinson is the gay that came to the bakery earlier wanting some diarrhea (which we did not have because I forgot to get some out of the sewers before he came).

I looked around the room and realized it was huge. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone enter the room and then someone else leave. (A/n: the quotation marks around what people are saying are gonna look like arrows from here on out cause of my stupid phone.)

« Well well well look who the cat dragged in.» The hottie from the bakery said. « Birch what? You're the one who invited me here » I sassed back.

« Are you really sassing me right now Harry » he said, taking a step towards me while I took one back.


A/n: I don't know what else to put for the first chapter (there will probably be like ten chapters in this thing idk yet). The arrows look ugly and the bread dildos were mentioned like five times in this chapter. Btw: sorry this chapter is so short and lowkey kinda a cliffhanger but I really wanted to come out with a chapter so yeah this is what y'all get. Love you guys 🍌👾

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