Pasta pt 2

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Sooah pushed the meal off of my skirt and started patting my skirt with napkins.

Sitting there with my teeth clenched, the waiter stood up and wiped pasta off his apron, according to my peripheral vision.

"It'll wash out." Said Jugyeong who started to pat down my skirt as well. "We can go shopping afterwards." Jugyeong said with an awkward smile.

After seconds of silence passing by and people staring at our table, I finally made my decision.

"You. Where's your manager?" I said and finally looked up at the standing waiter who was low and behold, earring man was also pasta man.

"Hey-look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" Suddenly, his sharp gaze was blank.

"Where's your manager?"
"I don't think you you need to-"
"I'm asking one more time until I barge into your kitchen."

He sighed. "He's over here ma'am." He said and pointed at a woman who was writing something in her notebook calmly like she was in yoga class or something.

I sighed. Now I didn't want to disturb this relaxed woman with an issue. But then again, it wasn't my fault.

I stood up from my seat and stepped into the pasta puddle with my baby blue sneakers. I adjusted my hair carefully and walked to the counter with a warm smile.

"You're the manager, right?" The woman closed her notebook and smiled back at me.

"Yes." And her smile was replaced with a concerned face as she looked at someone behind me who had pasta remaining on his apron.

"Is there an issue?" She said as her eyes went back and forth between my skirt and his apron.

"The pasta looked carefully crafted and delicious. Until your waiter was mindlessly walking with our order and now my skirt may permanently smell like chicken and shrimp pasta.

"It'll come out eventually." The waiter muttered behind me.
Who knew high schoolers could be such assholes?

"Seojun." His waiter said in response to his comment and gave him a look. "I'm so sorry." She said and opened her notebook again. "What's your name?" Sooah and Jugyeong suddenly popped up next to me. Yeah they took a hot minute, but at least they came.

Out of annoyance even more from his comment, I just pulled out my school id in silence and they followed me. The manager scrambled our names down and some other stuff before looking at us with a smile. "I'm so sorry. I'm sure we have your original order and your meal tonight is on us." She said. "I'll be sure to talk to my waiters, I'm so sorry." She said again and pulled out a blanket from behind a counter.

"Can you not?" Seojun painfully groaned at the sight of the mint green and flower patterned blanket.

"Well if you didn't spill their meal on this beautiful woman's skirt, I wouldn't be giving this to her, would I?" The once sweet manager said with a firm tone.

"Please, take this." She said with another warm smile. "This is what Seojun wears during his break when it gets cold. Please keep this in replacement for your skirt, you don't even have to give it back. Once again, I'm so sorry but at least you can get a warm blanket."

"Thank you." I said and returned a smile as I grabbed the blanket and tied it around my waist. I walked back to our table while exchanging one last glance with Seojun.

"Do you know how much that blanket costs?" I heard behind me.

"Oh shut up. I saw that blanket at Daiso. You didn't even show any interest in apologizing." The manager replied.

I sat back at our table with Sooah and Jugyeong again who kept looking at me guiltily.

"What?" I said and sipped my water before adjusting the blanket on my legs.

"I'm sorry." Sooah said with a little pout. "This wouldn't have happened if we didn't tease you." She said. I sighed. I was a little upset earlier, but now.. How could I deny my adorable, sweet friends?

"It's okay." I said with a smile and linked both of my arms with them. "I just want to eat and head home. I'm getting sleepy." I said and yawned.

"Here it comes!" Jugyeong stated while a new waiter came by with our dinner.

"Finally!" Sooah exclaimed and all of us took out our phones to take pictures of the beautiful meals.

While we all tried all the different dishes and feeding each other our meals, eventually our plates were empty.

"Woah.." We all said as we looked up at the night sky.
"That is what you call a meal." I said and stood up from my seat.

"Ooh! Our uber is here!" Sooah exclaimed.
"Wait what?" I said and yawned again.

"Our uber is here, we gotta go!" Sooah said and grabbed our arms towards the exit to the dark blue car outside.

"Thank you for the meal again!" I said on our way out with another smile that was reciprocated with the manager.

"You're welcome." Seojun muttered as we walked out. And just like that, another glance was exchanged with him. And now I had to see him on Wednesday. Great. 

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