Meeting the Boss (Number 1)

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President Derek J. Smith placed one hand down and raised the other as he pledged "I will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States," and so forth.

When he finished, his supporters went wild as he beamed with pride. He honestly couldn't believe it. He was now the Xth president of the United States of America. The Leader of the Free World. There was no one more powerful or revered in this country than he.

He then went to shake the hands of the previous president, a man by the name of Markus Carver. Carver, who for some odd reason seemed quite happy, clapped him on the side and whispered "good luck", before pulling away with a knowing smile. He wondered what that was about?

After another hour of grandstanding and speeches the newly inaugurated president made his way to the oval office with his now subordinates, the secret service.

He turned to one of the suited men next to him and bragged "Did you see the HUGE numbers out there?"

"Yes sir I did." Sir? He wasn't sure how he felt about being addressed as 'sir.' It just didn't seem enough.

"I looked out and saw millions of people out there. They were all cheering for me. Must be happy to have that loser out of the Whitehouse"

"Of course sir." Smith tsked, he wasn't just some sir, he was president. How disrespectful.

"Please, suit-man, call me by my full title. President. Derek J. Smith. Commander in Chief."

"Yes Commander in Chief President Derek J. Smith." That felt much better.

When they finally reached the Oval Office Smith pulled on the doors, but they didn't budge. "Now do these doors lock or what?"

"You have the keys, Commander in Chief President Derek J. Smith" Some of the secret service member's lips twitched in a smile.

"Suit-man, do not play with me. Where are the keys?"

Suit-man sighed "Commander in Chief President Derek J. Smith, and they are in your pocket."

Smith reached in his pocket, and sure enough there were the keys. "I knew that suit-man I was just testing you."

After fumbling with the lock a bit, the new President was able to open the doors. He took a deep breath in and then exhaled as he surveyed his new office. He walked up to the desk and swiped his fingers along the glassy wood, no smudges, no cracks. Perfect! This would do nicely. Very nicely indeed. Of course it wasn't as big as his office in the tower, but it was just as well, this one held more prestige.

As he sat down at his new desk, Smith decided the place could use new carpeting and couches. He spun around in the chair, watching as the secret service members lined the wall. Peaceful, it stayed that way till a few minutes later when an advisor burst in. She had clearly been running, her hair was frizzy and her outfit looked crooked. As soon as she entered the room she slammed the doors behind her and began to push furniture around to barricade the door.

"What the actual fuck are you doing here? Actually, What the actual fuck are you EVEN DOING?"

The woman spoke in a hurry, "Mr. President! You have to understand I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen."

"Wha-" Smith tried to speak but he couldn't get a word in.

"Then I tried to get the police to stop him, but they said they didn't believe me. So I came straight to you."


"I had to warn you. You must understand. It's madness!!!!"

At that very moment a shirtless man with impressive abs wearing a very tight pair of sparkly red, white, and blue, crotchless cowboy pants, a sequin thong, and glittery shoes burst through one of the three windows on a black horse.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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