Chapter 2: Mr. Whispers

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"Nice play Nick. Alright just play it cool when you get up to the register. Don't stress it too much, your voice will crack." Sapnap chuckles as he goes to pay for the food and hands you your bag of food and you both walk back over to your table.

I swear I heard it there again... something is going on here. I know I'm not hearing things. Why would I hear Clay telling him to not stress and why would he chuckle after if it wasn't real. Okay, it's fine. Play it off and try to see if his phone has a call on it when you sit down. You start to get nervous and confused as time goes by with Dreams voice seeming to be playing in your head.

You sit down and watch Sapnap place his phone on the table but he puts it face down before you can catch a glimpse at it. Fuck... okay. No, calm down. Maybe it's nothing. Sapnap catches you looking back and forth from his phone to him. "Everything okay y/n? You look a bit worried."

No, it's not okay. I hear Dream in my head and I think I might be going crazy. "Yeah, I'm all good just making sure you're all set before we eat." You look up at him and smile secretly looking around to see if you can spot an earpiece or something. You immediately notice his hood up and covering his ears. Dammit. Guess I'm not finding out that way. 

"Aww, that's very sweet of you! I think we're all good to eat!" He smiles and looks down to eat. You decide to do the same to not raise any sort of anxiety or panic in either of you. "Oh shit, you don't think they're catching on, do you? Play it cool it's fine. We did this once and we can do it again. Just keep eating."

Okay, this is becoming way too specific. Just hint at it, it's fine. Think... think. "So how are you and the rest of the boys at the house?" You try to slowly bring up the boys in a subtle yet curious attempt. Okay, that wasn't too bad... could've been better but we'll work with it. Sapnap stops chewing and looks up at you.

"Oh fuck, okay they're definitely onto us. Forget playing it cool, play dumb. I'm not here!" You know Dream, for a wingman you're not being very quiet. Either that or Sapnap didn't think this through and turned it up way too loud. "Oh, we're all doing good. George just does his usual and sleeps it off. He's still adapting even after months of moving in. Dream's still doing his speedruns and he cooks a lot for the house so we're all doing pretty okay. How have you been?"

He immediately takes another bite of his food before you can ask another question and avoids as much eye contact as possible trying to calm himself back down. "I've been pretty okay. Mom and I have been making sure the place I'm moving into is all good and ready to go before we move everything over." He looks a bit nervous. I really hope he knows I came here to talk to him not Dream.

"You know Sapnap," You look up at him as he pauses mid-bite and freezes still looking down as his face starts turning red. "I enjoy talking to you. You have a great personality and I like the chill and mellow way that you talk when you're calm. It's comforting. Of course, there are times where you're not mellow, but I like those moments too haha. You get really funny." He takes his bite and smiles blushing.

Alright, good job. Not too direct but just enough for him to know. "Huh... not what I expected them to say but I guess you're on a good path here. I think they're hinting that they can hear me though I'm not gonna lie. How loud could you possibly have me for them to hear me?" Sapnap grabs his phone and flips it over while turning it down and chuckling.

Huh, okay... maybe I'm not going crazy. Definitely heard that one. Okay just keep hinting it's not that bad. I can still kind of hear him so it's fine. Okay, think. Say something that would make Dream laugh... that's an easy way to tell, right? "Did you and George ever settle the debate of you being short? George was right wasn't he, he has to be taller right?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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