Chapter 5

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The wind rushed through her hair and adrenalin pumped through her veins as she plummeted towards the ground. She braced herself for the bone shattering pain but it never came. opening her eyes she was surrounded by a feeling of wonder as a soft purple light set her gently on the ground. the person who she thought was Ever was wearing a black cloak trimmed in purple.

In this world the sun was not warm, there was no breeze and Ever apparently had a twin sister.
"You are actually right" said the girl
"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Sarah's jaw hit the floor.
"You are right about Ever being my sister".
"How did you do that?"
"What, read your mind that was easy rescuing you was hard"
"Where am i"
"The Master Lamp so in other words as you call it space"
"Wait how am I here"
"I saved you from dying at the hands of my twin"
"Because she is not herself"
"What do you mean?"
"It is best explained over something to drink, I will tell you at my house" She then proceeded to produce a whistle out of thin air and blow on it. Sarah and the Djinn rode the carpet to the persons house.
"Teratal" she said offering a cup of some brown t liquid that Sarah politely declined. The Djinn shrugged and went into another room and sat down on a beanie bag chair.
"First question"
"What is your name"
"Oh, I thought I told you it's Kiarae"
"Okay secondly why is Ever trying to kill me"
"It is not her she is possessed"
"By what?"
"The Karai"

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